Short documentaries and adventures in sound presented by Josie Long.
A criminal defence lawyer finds a surprising new job foisted upon him and a son attempts to recover his joyfulness... more
Feeding the birds, sharing meals and chaotic menus - Josie Long presents short documentaries and audio adventures about eating together.Bird... more
Time capsules and yesterday's dreams of tomorrow, Josie Long presents short documentaries and audio adventures exploring lost futures.That’s Merely an... more
Siren song, lunar eavesdroppers and the gathering dark - Josie Long presents short documentaries about venturing into the night.Siren Song Featuring... more
Josie Long presents short documentaries and audio adventures that venture into the forest.Searching for Eden Written, performed and composed by Nyokabi... more
Wishes, wonders, and wisdom. Josie Long presents short documentaries and audio adventures uncovering the power of words.mother-house by produced by... more
Trying to capture a lost homeland on tape, reclaiming urban landscapes through the sound of skateboarding, and the noise that... more
Josie Long presents short documentaries against the clock in an episode around time and timing.Dad's Secret Life of Matchmaking Produced by... more
Star maps, messages from Earth to the moon and reaching out across distance as Josie Long presents short documentaries about... more
A black and white film transformed, searching the sunset for the green flash and a reimagining of red. Josie Long... more