Welcome to Oh No, Ross and Carrie, the show where we don’t just report on fringe science, spirituality, and claims of the... more
Carrie and Ross offer heartfelt goodbyes and a look ahead. Plus, can you guess how many guests, episodes, and investigations... more
Ross and guest host Darrin Butters take a walk through chiropractic's surprising history, including many unexpected connections to Scientology. Plus,... more
Ross and Carrie commune with John Hodgman, host of Maximum Fun's Judge John Hodgman, about all things Communion: the Whitley... more
Ross and Carrie journey to the ends of the Earth (the West Side) to get Ross to a second chiropractor,... more
Ross and Carrie explore one of the most popular alternative medicine modalities in the world: chiropractic. Ross sees the first... more
Ross and Carrie unpack a barrel of references to cold reading, hypnosis, stage magic, age regression therapy, possession, and even... more
Ross and Carrie explore the AQ test, a “metric for counting autistic traits” created by Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen, aka Cousin... more
Ross and Carrie meet "Dr. Vibe," a former chiropractor turned bed salesman who wants to cleanse your "Living Connective Tissue... more
Ross tells Carrie about his trip to a star party at which TV star and paranormal investigation Ben Hansen and... more
Ross and Carrie live-eat disgusting and delightsome combinations of foods, many suggested by listeners! Plus, Carrie is still trying to... more
In episode 411, Carrie gives Ross INFORMATION about Tracey Garbutt Dolan, a professionally trained remote viewer and E.T. researcher.
Ross and Carrie discuss Alan Steinfeld's remote viewing panel at Contact in the Desert, including a live demonstration. Plus, an... more
Ross shares his talk from SkeptiCamp LA, looking at how practitioners of non-science wall themselves off from criticism. See why... more
Ross and Carrie examine the claims of Corey Goode, a Gaia TV talking head who claims to have survived the... more
Carrie tells Ross about UFO speaker Caroline Cory, who claims to bring “as much science as possible” to the study... more
As MaxFunDrive 2024 comes to a close, join Ross and Carrie as they announce a new show goal, a live... more
Ross tells Carrie about Daniel Sheehan, a DC-based attorney who specializes in Constitutional law and UFO disclosure. He reviews UFO... more
Ross and Carrie review Linda Moulton Howe’s “Strange Harvest”, the documentary that put the ufologist / journalist on the map.... more
This special network wide event is a celebration of the MaxFunDrive! If you’d like to support podcasts you love for... more
Carrie attends Jimmy Church’s “Disclosure Lunch,” starring Linda Moulton Howe, Whitley Strieber, Danny Sheehan, and other UFO-whistleblower luminaries. Plus, somehow,... more
Ross and Carrie read the 1987 UFO memoir Communion, by alleged abductee Whitley Strieber. What was the source of a... more
Ross and Carrie recall Whitley Strieber’s "deep dive into... individual communication with ‘The Visitors.’” These alien beings come to Whitley... more
Ross and Carrie show up for a “live” chat with the dead, featuring none other than Thomas John, a medium... more
Ross and Carrie visit a psychic each, for predictions about their lives. Ross MAY have a heart attack; Carrie’s cats... more
Ross and Carrie catalog 77 predictions from Teal Swan, Kathryn Krick, Lori Spagna, et al. Plus, Ross and Carrie bet... more
Ross and Carrie return to dozens of 2023 predictions made by psychics across the world; as well as two co-hosts,... more
Ross meets up with Chief Investigator Kenny Biddle to talk ghost hunting equipment, photographic manipulation, psychic “detectives”, and spooky uses... more
Ho ho ho! Here's thirteen tiny tales of woe, in which Apostle Kathryn Krick “heals” depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, cancer, diabetes,... more
Ross and Carrie hobble up to 5F Church for worship service with Apostle Kathryn Krick. After some heavy financial guilt-tripping,... more
Ross and Carrie introduce you to Kathryn Krick, a faith-healing minister in L.A. gone viral. Once an aspiring actress and... more
Are you ready for the Harpazo? That’s what the cool kids are calling the Rapture these days. Ross and Carrie... more
Carrie tells Ross about overcoming a snake phobia through gently-increasing exposures throughout 2023.
More about Travis McHenry, Bigfoot hunter, demon summoner, priest, historian, actor, screenwriter, director, model, veteran, and micronationalist. Ross reads his... more
Ross and Carrie attend a talk by Travis McHenry, a self-described atheist, ritual magician, tarot card creator, and Priest of... more
Ross and Carrie learn the mysterious ways of the Holy Spirit Board, then make Golly (a cat) wear a tinfoil... more
Ross and Carrie attend a presentation by ufologist Linda Moulton Howe. Howe announces new government whistleblowers, an updated map... more
Ross tells Carrie about his once-in-a-lifetime trip to Loch Ness, Scotland, to search for the legendary lake monster. They examine... more
Carrie tells Ross about Deborah King's presentation "Embrace Your Cosmic Origin." They discuss the energy healer's training, history, cancer diagnosis,... more
Ross and Carrie review the controversial biopic "Sound of Freedom," about Tim Ballard and his paramilitary, anti-sex-trafficking charity, Operation Underground... more
Ross talks with Dan Phelps, president of the Kentucky Paleontological Society and persistent thorn in the side of creationist Ken... more
Ross talks with Brian Dunning of Skeptoid about his new film The UFO Movie THEY Don’t Want You To See.... more
Healer Gail Thackray demonstrates her incredible reincarnation-monitoring abilities on a fawning crowd. She leads Carrie and the others in a... more
Ross and Carrie analyze the recent Congressional hearing in which self-identified government whistleblowers declare that the U.S. has long conspired... more
Carrie receives a group healing from Gail Thackray, a medium and Reiki master who removes the corporeal residue of past... more
Drew and Carrie go to the local rickety roller coaster to break up Drew's kidney stone, then tell Ross all... more
Ross and Carrie witness Bashar, a purported extraterrestrial entity, inhabiting a 71-year-old escape room operator. They marvel as he dispels... more
Ross and Carrie return to see Bashar, an alien channeled by Darryl Anka. Bashar takes questions from an eager crowd,... more
Ross tells Carrie about Lori Spagna’s talk at Conscious Life Expo on divine guidance, Multi~Dimensional Reality, “activating” DNA, and starseeds.... more
Carrie tells Ross about attending a max-capacity talk by Sylvie Sterling, a “cat whisperer" who says there are exactly ten... more
Carrie goes to a basement meeting for folks who want to learn about immortality from a licensed therapist. Swaha Ron... more
Ross tells Carrie what she missed during a spoon bending party. Armed with weak flatware and a prayer, Ross uses... more
Ross and Carrie pay pet communicator Monica Diedrich to speak with their dog and cat. Carrie asks some heartfelt questions... more
Bob-Larson-certified exorcists Ross and Carrie flout their mentor’s wisdom – and risk becoming possessed – by watching a bad Russel... more
Ross and Carrie review a talk and class by mystic duo TwinRay. Learn about 5D ascended relationships, divine love, the... more
Carrie tells Ross about the “Unify Golden Age Prophecy” class at TwinRay's online School of Divinity. Plus, some insight into... more
Ross and Carrie puzzle over TwinRay, the rising It Couple of the New Age circuit. They revisit the Ashland duo’s... more
Ross and Carrie introduce you to TwinRay, a husband and wife from Ashland, OR. Is he an enlightened being? Is... more
Ross tells Carrie about the wild, final hours of the homeschooling conference. 80s heartthrob Kirk Cameron talks about puritan statuary... more
Ross tells Carrie about homeschool-teaching tips he received at the Building Strong Foundations Conference. Important pedagogical questions like: is the... more
Carrie shares a talk she gave focusing on the trauma-informed community and its various expressions in therapy and on the... more
Ross rounds out his final analysis of the Ark, including educational displays about the Tower of Babel, ancient man, and... more
We’ve reached the top deck of Noah’s Ark! We visit our [eight] ancestors in their rooms and learn about Ken... more
Ross tells Carrie about kinds, poop, the question of suffering, and why cartoon depictions of Noah’s Ark are sent by... more
Ross tells Carrie about the educational, themed environments throughout the Ark Encounter, a Christian roadside attraction in Kentucky. They discuss... more
Ross and Carrie re-board the Ark Encounter as Ross leads Carrie through a tour of the Kentucky creationist landmark. Plus,... more
Ross and Carrie review 2023 predictions from all manner of psychic sources. Plus, they announce the two winners of Best... more
Ross and Carrie get phone consultations from psychic Chris Dufresne, son of famed psychic Sylvia Browne. They each discover what... more
Ho ho ho! It’s a holiday special about a magician named James Randi, who dedicated his life to exposing dishonesty... more
Ross learns the miraculous properties of water and how to responsibly light his friends on fire. Next, Carrie and Ross... more
Ross is back at the Ark Experience, where he joins homeschooling mothers in the kitchen for the busy mom’s guide... more
Ross glowingly reviews his opening tour of the Ark led by content manager, Tim Chaffey. Then Ross and Carrie ponder... more
Ross begins his journey around the Ark Encounter theme park, stopping first to board a time machine that will take... more
Ross boards a “life-size Noah’s Ark,” shipwrecked in rural Kentucky, to attend a homeschooling conference for frightened Christian parents. He... more
Ross and Carrie experiment with FoodMarble, a “digestive breath testing device” that purports to use hydrogen levels to interpret fermentation... more
Carrie tells Ross about her intractable COVID symptoms and get-well-fast scheme: a little-known medicine called Ivermectin (not the horse version).... more
Ross talks with Sanal Edamaruku, Indian-born author and rationalist, about his investigations into tantric curses, weeping Jesus statues, reincarnated millionaires... more
Ross and Carrie rectify their rectums by hand pumping old, weak coffee into their butts with the Implant-O-Rama, the DIY... more
Ross and Carrie forgo their usual morning routines in favor of Bulletproof Coffee, which promises to improve their energy, focus,... more
Ross and Carrie welcome Alice Greczyn, author of the memoir Wayward: Spiritual Warfare and Sexual Purity. They discuss purity... more
Carrie examines Republican Senate nominee Herschel Walker's debated mental health diagnosis in a live talk at Grey Faction 2022. Then... more
Ross and Carrie imbibe Magic Mind, a special morning blend of nootropics and adaptogens to make them super-workers with tremendous... more
Carrie and Ross ponder Reverend John Shepherd’s stern warning that the end is coming any day now (in 1994). Plus,... more
Back at John Edward’s psychic medium event, Ross pays extra for a personal message from the great beyond, and another... more
Ross and Carrie meet musician Sarah Jickling, who taught young students how to spot early and late symptoms of psychosis,... more
Ross slows down a few psychic readings by John Edward, dissecting the medium’s old-school reading methods and idiosyncratic style. Plus,... more
Ross attends an event with psychic medium John Edward who, decades into his career, demonstrate classic cold reading techniques and... more
Carrie tells Ross what she learned from studying Buddha Maitreya, a peculiar fellow in Northern California who uses his small... more
Ross and Carrie welcome back Jennings Brown to discuss his deep-dive podcast series about a hedonistic religious movement with... more
In this special live episode from MaxFunCon 2022, Carrie teaches a class on spotting “bad experts.” Learn to confirm a... more
Carrie and Carrie discuss Raven Shamballa, a psychic/former therapist who awoke from surgery and immediately discovered she was in contact... more
Ross recounts an exclusive, paid talk by ufologist and “expert host” Billy Carson, who has the REAL story of how... more
Ross and Carrie recall a wondrous spread of booths at Conscious Life Expo. Ross sweats out toxins, Carrie questions someone... more
Ross and Carrie return to the Conscious Life Expo for a Q&A session with Bashar, the multi-dimensional and extra-terrestrial... more
Ross drives to Costa Mesa for a blood analysis by Dr. Nick Delgado, and quickly racks up a bill for... more
Ross learns the BEST KEPT SECRET IN THE UNITED STATES! And it’s about ALIENS! Then Carrie attends a talk by... more
Welcome back to The Collin Show, where Colins call in. Our hosts chat with calling Colins about their unique experiences.... more
Ross and Carrie review recent events from their favorite government whistleblower, Linda Moulton Howe, an independent journalist who claims to... more
Naturopath Kelly Brown blows the whistle on COVID, calling it a government-sponsored bioweapon aimed at mass execution. Carrie tells Ross... more
Announcing our live Psychic Collin Call-in Show on Saturday, March 19th at 1 PM Pacific (to be specific)! Join us... more
Dr. Nick Delgado is here to improve every aspect of your life, and he can do it just by looking... more
A “divine midwife” and “quantum mechanic” teaches Ross to use the “highly sophisticated technology” of “fierce prayer” to “access” his... more
Carrie attends an interactive lecture with Bernadette King, an expert in identifying power animals. Then Ross learns about sacred geometry... more
At Conscious Life Expo 2022, Ross and Carrie attend two events featuring “medical medium” Kimberly Meredith, who claims to x-ray... more
Ross speaks with Cory Doctorow, technology activist and author of How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism, about 5G and fiber, the... more
Ross and Carrie go to local hippy hang Inn of the Seventh Ray for an in-person, anti-5G meeting. Questionably-proclaimed 5G... more
Ross, Carrie, and friend Matthew attend a meeting of activists and lawyers who oppose the worldwide rollout of 5G. They... more
Ross and Carrie enter the Chromasonic, an “immersive sound and light experience” in which pulsing light and sound disconnect them... more
Ross and Carrie enlist the help of various future-seers, from psychics to astrologers to dead people to Cosmopolitan Magazine… to... more
In this fun 2021 wrapup, Ross and Carrie review the predictions of various psychics, prophets, and other prognosticators. Plus, who... more
For today a podcast has been born, and unto us an episode is given. We two hosts of Occident are... more
For today a podcast has been born, and unto us an episode is given. We two hosts of Occident are bringing you... more