The nationally syndicated progressive talk radio and television program hosted by David Pakman
-- On the Show: -- Farron Cousins, host of Ring of Fire and Farron Balanced, fills in... more
-- On the Show: -- A deeper assessment of Kamala Harris' presidential campaign, including her strategy for... more
-- On the Show: -- New national polling, and state polling out of Arizona and Nevada point... more
-- On the Show: -- Donald Trump survives another assassination attempt, this time from 58-year-old former Trump... more
-- On the Show: -- Multiple reports surface that staffers for Donald Trump are completely defeated after... more
-- On the Show: -- Doctor John Kruse, neuroscientist, author, and psychiatrist who has been working with... more
-- On the Show: -- A deep dive into the scary fact that, despite failure after failure... more
-- On the Show: -- Tristan Snell, lawyer, legal commentator, former New York Attorney General who prosecuted... more
-- On the Show: -- After weeks of polling gains for Kamala Harris, polling has reversed over... more
-- On the Show: -- A whiny Donald Trump publishes back to back to back videos about... more