This is a science fiction story that is suitable for children and adults alike. It tells the story of John Latham a... more
Well you can't end on episode 13 can you? This isn't so much an episode, more a review of how... more
Adrift at sea, having narowly escaped being blown up, John faced the dilema to remain floating in the sea and... more
John splashes down in the sea again, but what sea, where and when? Has his trip affected the flow of... more
Is John facing a self imposed death sentence, cast adrift in the sphere. Both vessels, the ship and sphere battle... more
Faced with the evidence put before the Captain, how will John get out of this situation. John has to find... more
Surprisingly John manages to get some sleep, but has a rude awakening when the morning comes around. He is carted... more
In this episode John is injured, he gets to know a bit more about the crew, takes a tour of... more
In the last episode, John was invited to take another walk around the deck, but this time by the Captain.... more
John has found himself on a steam ship, the USS Alabama, but where is it and what time frame? John... more
John finds himself in very difficult circumstances again. He finds himself having to be very careful not only what he... more