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The Sphere Of Time
The Sphere Of Time
Steve Simons

This is a science fiction story that is suitable for children and adults alike. It tells the story of John Latham a... more

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Episode 14 - Afterthoughts

Well you can't end on episode 13 can you? This isn't so much an episode, more a review of how... more

01 Jun 2008 · 7 minutes
Episode 13 - Lessons Learned

Adrift at sea, having narowly escaped being blown up, John faced the dilema to remain floating in the sea and... more

01 Jun 2008 · 8 minutes
Episode 12 -Reflections

John splashes down in the sea again, but what sea, where and when? Has his trip affected the flow of... more

01 Jun 2008 · 13 minutes
Episode 11 - And It Shall Come To Pass

Is John facing a self imposed death sentence, cast adrift in the sphere. Both vessels, the ship and sphere battle... more

01 Jun 2008 · 12 minutes
Episode 10 - One Crisis To Another

Faced with the evidence put before the Captain, how will John get out of this situation. John has to find... more

05 May 2008 · 14 minutes
Episode 9 - Judge Yea Not For Yea Shall Also

Surprisingly John manages to get some sleep, but has a rude awakening when the morning comes around. He is carted... more

05 May 2008 · 12 minutes
Episode 7 - Hot Conversation

In this episode John is injured, he gets to know a bit more about the crew, takes a tour of... more

05 May 2008 · 13 minutes
Episode 8 - The Accused

In the last episode, John was invited to take another walk around the deck, but this time by the Captain.... more

05 May 2008 · 13 minutes
Episode 5 - Treading on Egg Shells

John has found himself on a steam ship, the USS Alabama, but where is it and what time frame? John... more

28 Apr 2008 · 13 minutes
Episode 6 - In Judgement

John finds himself in very difficult circumstances again. He finds himself having to be very careful not only what he... more

28 Apr 2008 · 12 minutes
The Sphere Of Time
Episode 14 - Afterthoughts
The Sphere Of Time