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The Plump Buffet
The Plump Buffet
ThornDaddy and Dollie Llama

In this podiobook: THE PLUMP BUFFET - a romantic kinky curvy cat cult comedy.VALENTINE'S DAY RELEASE! The Plump Buffet is a cast-production... more

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Episode Nine. Outtakes from The Plump Buffet - The Plump Buffet

-In this episode: Fun flubs and behind-the-scenes audio footage from the voice actors recording their parts.THIS THE FINAL EPISODE OF... more

09 Feb 2008 · 39 minutes
Episode Eight. Bonus Track - Dick and the Debbies - The Plump Buffet

-In this episode: Mother and the Fuckers performing "Dick and the Debbies"Encoded at 320 K!

08 Feb 2008 · 1 minute
Episode Seven. Bonus Track - I Love My Little Bitches - The Plump Buffet

-In this episode: Mother and the Fuckers performing "I Love My Little Bitches" Encoded at 320 K!

07 Feb 2008 · 3 minutes
Episode Six. Act 3, Part 2. A Hero is Someone Who Interferes With the Karma of Others - The Plump Buffet

-In this episode: A man of God beseeches the almighty in prayer for the souls of Dick and all the... more

06 Feb 2008 · 21 minutes
Episode Five. Act 3, Part 1. Countdown to Chaos - The Plump Buffet

-In this episode: The three good girls show what their hearts feel by kneeling, as the world starts to collapse... more

05 Feb 2008 · 18 minutes
Episode Four. Act 2, Part 2. My Mouth Is Ready, May It Do Him Ease - The Plump Buffet

-In this episode: White robes, babies being launched and desert bugs. Our happy little furverts run wild in the desert,... more

04 Feb 2008 · 28 minutes
Episode Three. Act 2, Part 1. Birth of Dick Goodman, Master of Cats - The Plump Buffet

-In this episode: The kitties go out into the desert. The cult begins and many more girls show up. There's... more

03 Feb 2008 · 25 minutes
Episode Two. Act 1, Part 2. Pussy Begets Pussy - The Plump Buffet

-In this episode: Learn as Dick demonstrates how to make an obnoxious panhandler give YOU a dollar. Dick collars his... more

02 Feb 2008 · 29 minutes
Episode One. Act 1, Part 1. Tell Momma Mary What\'s Wrong, Sweetie - The Plump Buffet

-In this episode: Meet Dick Goodman, horny computer geek. A wise woman helps out. Watch Dick discover kink. Be a... more

01 Feb 2008 · 29 minutes
The Plump Buffet
Episode Nine. Outtakes from The Plump Buffet - The Plump Buffet
The Plump Buffet