In the nineteen-sixties, a group of wealthy men concludes that it's already too late to stop global warming from destroying the planet.... more
The Final Episode: Confrontation in Syria
A plan is formed. Cierpinski attacks.
Ernesto Vera shows up at the cabin. Men with guns open fire.
The deserters prepare for departure. Patterson and Kerrie have a plan.
Patterson and Kerrie tell Rachel about her father, and they wind up back on the trail of the conspirators.
Part Three begins. New reports indicate more work by the conspirators. We meet Samuel Tan's son. George... more
Jack receives a disturbing phone call. Jack, Kerrie, and Patterson finally meet Samuel Tan.
Patterson, Jack, and Kerrie continue their flight and encounter a strange character.
Jack, Kerrie and Patterson enter Samuel Tan's headquarters. They are reacquainted with Rupert Hoktewi.
Jack, Kerrie and Patterson set a trap for Richard Wells, and wind up heading to the desert.