Do you have a Grinch in your life who’s stealing your joy? Let us give you the tools you need... more
Not everyone is joyful this time of year. Are you feeling low? Christ is here for you too. Let us... more
Are family fights and tension breaking your heart and threatening your holiday? Call in and let us help you resolve... more
Do you worry about raising Catholic kids in today’s culture? Wondering how to help your fallen away adult kids find... more
Are you dealing with a strained or broken relationship? Struggling to get things back online? Let us help you hit... more
Contrary to the old saying, words really can hurt. Are you dealing with a verbally abusive person? Let us help... more
Feeling under attack? We’ll help you handle conflict with grace. Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems... more
Are you dealing with a controlling or manipulative person? Not sure what to do? We’ll help you find grace-filled ways... more
Do you have parenting questions? Want to raise healthy, happy, holy kids? We'll share grace-filled strategies to help you be... more
Are you struggling to love yourself as God loves you? Wondering what it even means? Let us help you discover... more