Weight loss, healthy living, a slimmer butt, and feeling good about yourself starts with... Getting Off Your A** (and your couch) to... more
A medical perfusionist is the sap that controls all the machines connected to an unfortunate patient. Music is from mevio.com and... more
A medical perfusionist is the sap that controls all the machines connected to an unfortunate patient. Music is from mevio.com and... more
Music is Alarma Salto Ronda by Alimagne Hermamumism by Alimagne Sposa Son Disprezzata by Ariaphonics
To lose weight you have to Eat Less and Move More. Easier said than done, though, right? Here is some... more
Down five lbs. Need to increase exercise. Did a 1.5 hour walk yesterday. Going to hit the HIT (High Interval... more
Down five pounds. Too slow.Music is from musicalley.com Just a Jazzy Reggae Suite by Jack Wyles Stress by Jim's Big Ego Stress Relief... more
Music is: Right by CassandraCreative Energy by Charlie BobusGood Morning by Jaya the Cat All from MusicAlley.com
I'm down 4 pounds from my top weight but I'm also 4 pounds behind my schedule. I must redouble my... more
Episode 100 Brings You: A Rant about Fat ~ The same amount of Music ~ My New 90-Day Challenge ~ HIT... more
We Live! We Walk! We gear our lives to get to and maintain a solidly average weight. If we don't... more