"Low Budget" is a new web comedy about the world of independent filmmaking. A new episode is released every week. To see... more
With the music video and after-party behind them, the boys have to resolve a delicate payment negotiation to shoot the... more
The show must go on, and so does "Invasion Q". Jaye returns with a cane and continues playing the super-spy... more
As the pressure increases on all fronts, the boys decide to try a daring stunt to take the "Invasion Q"... more
Arriving in Montreal, the boys are let down by Josee and take a meeting with Brian Torsten of TV Canada... more
Stopping in the French-Canadian town of Trois-Rivieres, the boys enlist Josee to help with their travel show and shoot the... more
With a new lead actress onboard for "Invasion Q", Jaye tries to delicately explain the upcoming nude love scene. See... more
With a new found enthusiasm, and a new crew, Jason and Jaye shoot an experimental scene from "Invasion Q". Watch... more
Escaping the disaster of their "Invasion Q" shoot, the J's leave Halifax and run into the girl(s) of their dreams... more
Having completed their casting session and assembled a crew, Jaye and Jason start their first day of principal photography on... more
After arriving in Canada and filming the first segment of their travel show, the J's begin casting for their Sci-Fi... more