Hear how technology can help attorneys, legally speaking, with two of the top legal technology experts. Authors and lawyers, Dennis Kennedy and... more
The world of AI and legal tech is evolving ever more rapidly, and it is all too common for lawyers... more
Happy Black Friday, everyone! Time to join in on the shopping frenzy, and fill up your cart with tech tools... more
For another perspective on tech—this time with a focus on law schools, students, and new lawyers—Dennis and Tom welcome Professor... more
As you may have discovered on your own, genAI tools are ready and enthusiastic with their outputs, but may be... more
As genAI continues to edge into all facets of our lives, Dr. Megan Ma has been exploring integrations for this... more
Lawyers have long been hesitant to adopt technology, but the rapid advancements in generative AI have sparked a new curiosity... more
Piquing curiosity in legal technology is the first step to helping lawyers engage with and acquire modern tech for their... more
Amy Conroy has found that communicating the “why” behind data science is critical to helping lawyers understand and appreciate what... more
How can technology help self-represented litigants have better outcomes in our legal systems? Amanda Brown considers exactly that on a... more
The all-too-common deterioration of internet platforms seems to lead users through a bait and switch that leaves them with little... more