A home for odd news, social commentary, and podcast shoutouts.
The couple discusses drive thru etiquette, the phrase high and dry, Drew's Utah trip, ho-made pies, and we review Snickers... more
The couple discusses YouTube, OCD (again), a Dr.'s personal time and Drew's drive-thru pet peeve.
The couple discusses Melanie's feedback, NyQuil addiction, DVR, infomercials, and product advertisments within the plot.
The couple discusses money lessons, Potty Mitts, technology, The Tudors, Mythbusters, and baby Jessica.
The couple discusses listener feedback, smokers, getting bottled water, and high school reunions. It is quite a heated debate!
The couple discusses Donald Draper, Peter Piper Pizza, Spanish language coupons, mailman hoarder, and caffeine induced confessions.
The couple discusses listener feedback, we revisit LEGO, fireworks gang fight, and borrowing baby clothes.
The couple discusses No. 2 pencils, the cool side of the pillow, iOS devices, and being carsick.
The couple discusses AutoTuneTheNews, Bed Intruder, plural of LEGO, slimy nickels, trapped miners, and our first vodcast.
The couple discusses the Monster Burger, our most popular podcast, Otter Pops, Mad Men, trash, pre-trash, and pre-pre-trash.