Welcome to the Connexus Church audio podcast. Whether church has been part of your life or not, these 40 minute messages can... more
Why does it seem like joy is impossible to maintain through the ups and downs of life? Could there be... more
We live in a world that promises peace but rarely delivers. Even in the moments where everything looks fine... more
Hope. We need it like we need oxygen. Without it, it’s hard to go on and with it, we can... more
Have questions about demons and forces of evil? Have questions about the occult and new age spirituality? Jeff sits down... more
So if evil is real, how exactly does it work? Better yet, how does it work in your life today?... more
So is evil real? Is there a personal power of evil at work in the world? Is it a power... more
So how do miracles work? Why are some people healed and some not? Does God favour some people and ignore... more
So is life only what we can see, touch and experience, or is there more? Is there a supernatural side?... more
For centuries, religion has been about rules, rituals, and checking the right boxes. But what if it doesn’t have to... more