Weekly Sunday sermons from Cedar Crest BFC. Our mission is to glorify the Triune God by exalting Him, edifying and equipping His... more
Eight glorious truths presented in John 3:16.
This is written so that you believe that Jesus is God in the flesh and has fully revealed God's glory... more
The true light shines in the world to reveal the true God, so that we might be truly reconciled to... more
Since we are all spiritually dead and dark with sin, we need Jesus to give us spiritual life and light.
This is written so you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and by believing, you receive eternal life.
When the head knows and believes the truth about God, the heart will be full of thanksgiving and praise.
Delight your heart in God’s word, because the delight of our hearts determines the direction of our lives.
When we realize that Jesus Christ is the sovereign Lord over all things, our faith will grow in the face... more
Do you believe that Jesus is a compassionate shepherd and the mighty Son of God who will provide everything we... more
Christians who are not afraid to preach God's truth may suffer in some way and even be persecuted by the... more