From Adudathuda Studios comes the Season Two archive of DVD podBLAST alternative DVD commentary. Download the BLASTs, easily sync them up with... more
Happy Halloween!
Once again, another movie that falls into the "could be considered the worst sequel of all time" category. Problems: Sean Connery's... more
Hell yeah. Short of the Double Double Damme Damme and the two-part Pearl Harbor BLAST, here is the... more
whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhyWHY?? Arguably the worst sequel-to-original disparity in the history of cinema. This hunk of crap jumps the shark in... more
Another Ewe Boll film. Well, what can you say about a director that has admitted his movies are... more
Super-sexy Angelina Jolie is all T's & A in this franchise deuce, though you would never know it. ... more
Nicholas Cage rides through this pile of crap (yet another poorly realized Marvel adaptation) admirably, though clearly much of... more
We like Ben Affleck. We really do. Why he happens to be in so many BLASTed movies... more
The heat is getting to us. As we sign off for a short summer vacation, we leave you with the... more
We've done the franchise killers, we've done the career killers, we've even done the director killers. Here's a... more