A monthly podcast covering Ham Radio equipment, events and personalities.
Tommy and Emile visit the W5SLA Slidell Hamfest. Ccradio 3 review. Christmas toys of the past. 1:23:49
T1F – Station identification, Repeaters, Third party communications, Club stations, FCC inspection. 38:13
Tommy prepares for Parks on The Air activation. Mike visits the Communications and Electronics Museum. George creates Random Intelligence (or... more
T1E – Control operator: eligibility, designating, privileges, duties, location, required Control point, Control types: automatic, remote. 37:59
Adding a Buck-Boost Converter to the PC Power Supply. Tommy’s GMRS Update. Hurricane Francine, Moving, RMS Gateway. AmateurLogic’s 19th Anniversary... more
T1D - Authorized and prohibited transmissions: communications with other countries, music, exchange of information with other services, indecent language, compensation... more
Convert a PC power supply for use on the bench. A Ground Mounted Receiving Loop, literally. 12 volt 18650 Lithium... more
T1C – Licensing: classes, sequential and vanity call sign systems, places where the Amateur Radio Service is regulated by the... more
George visited with friends at Huntsville Hamfest 2024 and found a few new interesting items. Tom Apalenek, WA2IVD with A-2-Z.tech... more
T1B – Frequency allocations, Emission modes, Spectrum sharing, Transmissions near band edges, Contacting the International Space Station, Power output. 1:00:18