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Charlotte Dawson's Naughty Corner
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Charlotte Dawson's Naughty Corner

Author: Audio Always

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Mums, we’ve all been there. Your kids are playing up and you need to send them to the Naughty Corner. Well, what about when us parents do something naughty!?

This is the podcast where we share your outrageous tales of parenting fails. In each episode, join me Charlotte Dawson as I pop open a bottle of fizz and dive into hilariously relatable stories from mums like you and me. Every mum is welcome, as long as you aren't afraid to bend the rules!

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

55 Episodes
From the first meal she wants after baby girl is born to the funniest thing Noah has ever repeated, Charlotte answers it all in the latest episode of Ask Me Anything. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte and Janine reflect on previous births and share more of your funny parenting fails. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From silly break ups to her most expensive mistake, Charlotte answers it all in the latest episode of Ask Me Anything. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte and Janine catch up from the comfort of their own chuffin' homes this week, as we all wait for the baby to arrive. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From baby plans to whether or not she’d ever return to the cobbles, Brooke answers it all in this special guest episode of ‘Ask Me Anything’. She chats about if she’d like her boys to become actors one day and shares an hilarious story about the time she was most starstruck. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte is joined by the wonderful Brooke Vincent this week, who reveals her love of skips and shares what it’s really like, day to day, as a mum to two young boys. They also decide whether Brooke deserves a trip to the Naughty Corner for still not finishing her second son’s first year baby book! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From spicing things up in the bedroom to her best ever Valentine’s Day, Charlotte answers it all in this episode of ‘Ask Me Anything’. She chats about the last show she and Matt binge-watched, reveals Matt’s worst habits and shares the best piece of advice she’s ever been given. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte is feeling hormonal, emotional and exhausted as she approaches her due date. She tells Janine all about her recent baby shower, they discuss pelvic floor exercises and share Valentine’s plans.. if any. There are more of your brilliant parenting fails too, including toddlers hooked on nose rings and babies drinking margaritas.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From what she’d be doing if she wasn’t a make up artist to how she juggles it all, Katie answers it all in this special guest episode of ‘Ask Me Anything’. She shares how she became so successful from a struggling MUA and reveals that she’s on the PTA. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte is joined by her good friend, make up artist Katie Hayes. They talk about the ups and downs of motherhood, including the challenges of sleep and what it's really like being a mum to girls. They also decide whether Katie deserves a trip to that Naughty Corner for letting her daughter cover the dog in icing sugar. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From her first ever celebrity crush to the one moment she’d love to relive, Charlotte answers your burning questions in this episode of ‘Ask Me Anything’. She gives us her best impressions and reveals if she would ever uproot her family and move abroad.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte has a disappointing babymoon at a spa and decides that going to one at seven months pregnant wasn’t a very good idea. She tells all about Noah’s chaotic but very special fourth birthday party whilst Janine gives a review of her extreme day trip to Madrid. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From food cravings to worst red carpet outfits, Charlotte answers it all in this episode of ‘Ask Me Anything’. She chats about her dream of opening up her own chip shop, Chazza’s Chippy and reveals her funniest ever nickname. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte shares an hilarious story about the time she was in Ibiza but ended up in Amsterdam and Janine tells all about her planned extreme day trip to Madrid. They both discuss the fact that Charlotte doesn’t share food unless full and there’s more of your brilliant naughty corner stories, which include vomiting at soft play. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From New Year’s resolutions to whether it’s jam or cream on her scone first, Charlotte answers it all in this episode of ‘Ask Me Anything’. She chats about the time she was a cross country runner and reveals the number one superpower she wishes she had. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this first episode of 2025, Charlotte is back together with her partner in chuffin’ crime Janine and they discuss how stressful and magical the Christmas holidays have been. There’s more of your parenting fails too, which are absolute belters this week. They include tooth fairy cheques and weeing on radiators. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From visiting mediums to best dance moves, Charlotte answers it all in this episode of ‘Ask Me Anything’. She admits to lying about her age to get into nightclubs and reveals if she has ever broken something, then lied about it. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Joining us from her dressing room at Panto, Charlotte gives a backstage update and chats to some of her panto fambo. She and Janine reveal why they are in the Naughty Corner this week; from Elf on the Shelf disasters to absolute chaos over Noah’s first Nativity video - the ladies reveal all! There’s also more of your hilarious parenting fails, including missed Christmas plays and embarrassing present mix-ups. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte’s fiancé Matthew answers your burning questions in this special ‘Ask Me Anything’ episode. From sharing what he’s learnt from what he did to how he worries about his children reading the articles when they’re older—Matt reveals all, including how they dealt with the paparazzi and whether or not Charlotte trusts him yet. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte is joined by her fiancé, Matthew and the world leading life change experts Eva & Nik Speakman. They talk about everything that’s happened since the story broke, rebuilding trust and share how they’re finally moving forward as a family as they get ready to welcome their baby girl. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From naked photoshoots to biggest lies told, Charlotte answers it all in this episode of ‘Ask Me Anything’. She chats about the stupidest way she has hurt herself, her favourite film and shares what three things she would take with her if she were on a desert island. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
There’s been lots happening at the soft play so Charlotte and Janine tell all. They both get excited for Christmas as the decorations go up and Janine shares an embarrassing c-section story featuring a thong stuck to a slipper. Your parenting fails are absolute belters this week too, they include cheeky knickers and toddlers eating dog biscuits.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Tanya Bardsley answers your burning questions in this special ‘Ask Me Anything’ episode. From her best advice for nervous new mums and how she manages ADHD daily, to her top beauty secrets and biggest motivations—Tanya shares it all, including why she took a break from Housewives and what brought her back! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The fabulous Tanya Bardsley joins Charlotte this week and shares what it’s like to be love bombed then ghosted by your own child. They decide whether Tanya deserves a trip to that Naughty Corner for leaving adult toys lying around the house for her children to find. Plus, we discover what happened to Tanya’s placenta pills. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From superstitions to worst dates, Charlotte answers it all in this episode of ‘Ask Me Anything’. Joined by our fabulous competition winners Alice and Chloe, she chats about the funniest headline she’s read about herself, her favourite person to follow on social media and a Gollum impression on a very awkward first (and worst) date. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte shares an embarrassing story about farting and sharting at panto rehearsal, Janine can’t cope with all the demands of her at Christmas and we’re joined by our wonderful competition winners Alice and Chloe. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From hidden talents to singing karaoke songs with Matt, Charlotte tackles your burning questions in another round of 'Ask Me Anything.' She shares who she’d like to trade lives with for a day and reveals what unusual things are hiding in her handbag! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte gives a Panto update and shares how rehearsals are going, she reveals forgetting Non Uniform Day because she didn’t read the school emails and gives important advice on door safety. There’s also more of your hilarious parenting fails, this week including more doors and toenails. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From contraception to awkward Christmases, Charlotte tackles your burning questions in another round of 'Ask Me Anything.' She chats about how many children she’d like, reveals all her beauty secrets and admits to asking Google if it’s normal to be horny at five months pregnant. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Will Charlotte and Janine ever do a cooking show called ‘How Not To Cook, by Unwholesome Mums’. Watch this space. They also discover that Janine is extremely naughty when it comes to returning things to shops and Charlotte used to poo behind the couch as a child.    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From babymoon plans to botox confessions, Charlotte answers it all in this episode of ‘Ask Me Anything.’ She chats about Noah’s big move to his own bed, her love (or not) for dressing up, and debates who’s more likely to end up in handcuffs—her or Janine! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From sneaking booze into the kids Halloween disco to stinking of shit; Charlotte and Janine share some hilarious Halloween fails. Dressed as a pumpkin, Charlotte reveals her baby bumpkin. Plus there’s more of your funny stories in this Halloween special. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte is joined by Amy Childs who answers your funny and cheeky questions in a special round of 'Ask Amy Anything.' We discover how Amy keeps her glass doors so clean with kids, if she will have any more children and how she felt leaving TOWIE then coming back. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte’s twinnie Amy Childs joins her this week for a chuffin’ good catch up about favourite children, Vajazzles and being an organised Mum. They also decide whether Amy deserves a trip to the Naughty Corner for covering her three week old baby in orange spray tan. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From Nando’s orders to what to get a 4 year old for Christmas, Charlotte tackles your burning questions in another round of 'Ask Me Anything.' She also talks openly and honestly about miscarriage and how long it took her to get pregnant with her babies. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte has a very stressful day out at the Peter Rabbit Experience in Blackpool with a very testing toddler, which culminates in a massive meltdown at Harry Ramsden's. Janine has a fallout with a squirrel and there’s more of your hilarious stories about peeing in public and peeing on lovely cream jumpers. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From cooking specialties (apart from chips and gravy) to whether she’d be up for a reality show with her family, Charlotte tackles your burning questions in another round of 'Ask Me Anything.' She also shares what dream actors would play her in the movie of her life and reveals if she’d be up for a 4th baby. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte shares her hilarious Ibiza Embassy story and Janine learns never to go to Ibiza with Chazza D…ever! And if you do, take her passport off her. Charlotte tells all about her not so crazy 32nd Birthday celebrations. You heard it here first…pottery is up and coming!! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte is joined by her mum Tracy who answers your funny and cheeky questions in a special round of 'Ask Trace Anything.' We discover why Tracy binned Charlotte’s chuffin’ bullets and why she had to bribe a young Charlotte to meet The Queen. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From wearing Rockports, sneaking out to clubs and cutting her own fringe; Charlotte is joined by her Mum, our Trace, to discuss Charlotte’s teenage years. They reminisce about Charlotte’s late father Les Dawson and the birth of Charlotte, and decide whether Mum Tracy deserves a trip to the Naughty Corner for taking a young Charlotte to tanning shops. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From dream podcast guests to sex in bushes, Charlotte tackles your burning questions in another round of 'Ask Me Anything.' She also shares how Noah and Jude feel about the new addition to the family and spills the latest on her and Matthew! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this very special Gender Reveal episode of Naughty Corner, Charlotte is joined by the fabulous Janine to find out if she is having a baby girl or baby boy. There’s a cake smash, non alcoholic fizz and plenty of chat about baby names and birthing stories. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this first ever ‘Ask Me Anything’ episode of Naughty Corner, Charlotte answers your burning questions. This week they include What’s the baby’s gender, Will you ever write an autobiography and What’s the first thing you’d do if you were a man for a day? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte tells all about her week which includes glamming it up at the National Television Awards and, whilst there, getting a phone call that baby Jude has poo in his mouth. There’s an update from Janine on the school WhatsApp group, and more of your hilarious stories about a magic cotton stopper and dropping your child in the loo! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte forgetting to pick Noah up from his first day of pre-school and Janine’s World Book Day disaster. Charlotte and Janine reveal their biggest ‘school fails’, in this ‘back to school’ special. There’s also one from a mum whose child took ‘mummy’s fluffy handcuffs’ into school for dressing up day…does she deserve a trip to the naughty corner? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The world leading life change expert Eva Speakman joins Charlotte to discuss everything that’s happened with fiance Matthew. They talk about rebuilding trust once it’s been broken, how to remain some normality for Charlotte and the boys and whether couples counselling is the best way forward. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte is joined by her gorgeous gal Chelsee Healey for chuffin’ good laughs about forgetting your daughter in a tanning shop, starting your day with a shandy in hand and stressful shopping trips with children. There’s also more of your hilarious stories including a parents evening involving an ex-boyfriend and a none the wiser husband.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte is reeling from recent revelations regarding her private life. In this episode she tells HER side of the story; about how her world came crashing down in just one phone call and what she understands really happened. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Samantha, Charlotte's sister, opens up about the devastating loss of her husband to suicide and her journey to finding love again. In this episode, nothing is off limits—they also debate whether Charlotte should put her bunions, ‘Barry and Bill,’ on OnlyFans, and if Samantha deserves a trip to the Naughty Corner for getting caught in the act and forgetting to pick up her six-year-old. Your stories are absolute belters this week too, featuring shiny personal things and a bubble bath shit show. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlotte’s fabulous friend Helen Flanagan joins her this week for a chuffin’ good chat about an Ann Summers police woman outfit, attempting sexy selfies and pissing in coffee cups. There’s also more of your hilarious stories including an embarrassing poo stain and an eleven year old snooping through one mum's saucy text messages.        Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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