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Think Big, Buy Small
Think Big, Buy Small
Harvard Business School

Are you looking for an alternative to a career path at a big firm? Does founding your own startup seem too risky?... more

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From Misfortune To Great Fortune

Despite growing up in unstable and challenging circumstances, Jerod Pierce changed the trajectory of his life by embracing educational opportunities,... more

26 Aug 2024 · 59 minutes
A Seller and Business Broker’s Perspectives

In discussions of the entrepreneurship through acquisition journey, our attention is often drawn to the experiences of the searchers, those... more

19 Aug 2024 · 1 hour, 1 minute
An Acquisition Entrepreneur’s First Months As CEO

In February of 2024, after a self-funded search, Nick Wheeler took the helm at NSCA & Tra-Cal, an enduringly profitable... more

12 Aug 2024 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
Searching Where Few Have Searched Before

After years spent studying and working in the United States, Alexander Wallace recently returned to his native New Zealand to... more

05 Aug 2024 · 52 minutes
The Fantastic Economics of SBA Loans

The Small Business Administration (SBA) loan program offers acquisition entrepreneurs an incredible opportunity to buy a company with little equity,... more

29 Jul 2024 · 47 minutes
Explaining The Success Of First-Time CEOs

How is it that so many searchers become successful CEOs, even when many have never run a company before and... more

22 Jul 2024 · 57 minutes
Why A Long Island Swimming Pool Company Was An Ideal Acquisition Target

As an acquisition entrepreneur, Jackie Kopcho is now CEO of Tortorella Swimming Pools, where she leads a team that engineers,... more

15 Jul 2024 · 51 minutes
Acquisition Versus Working For Someone Else

Ari Santos and Allan Newman, about to graduate from business school, reflect on the choice between buying their own business... more

08 Jul 2024 · 56 minutes
Acquisition Versus Startup: Weighing The Risks And Rewards

In this episode, Daniella Bertolotti and Steve Goulas discuss the more traditional startup route versus entrepreneurship through acquisition. Just weeks... more

01 Jul 2024 · 57 minutes
The Self-Funded Journey From Searcher To Seller

Geoff Duckworth’s story is that of a self-funded search that transformed him from being an employee at a larger firm,... more

24 Jun 2024 · 52 minutes
Think Big, Buy Small
From Misfortune To Great Fortune
Think Big, Buy Small