The Burden is a documentary series that takes listeners into the hidden places where justice is done (and undone). It dives deep... more
For Avenger, which takes place in Argentina, we recorded all interviews in Spanish, translated them into English and had them... more
After thirty years of government impunity, the amnesty laws that helped bury Argentina’s horrific past are overturned. The trials against... more
It’s 1979, Miriam is free, but living in exile in New York City where she is surveilled by the junta.... more
The lack of media attention on the TV story is disheartening, but Miriam has a bigger plan up her sleeve... more
One day, Miriam sits in her office when she gets a call from the stringer she hired to go look... more
Miriam and Giancarlo team up to search for the planes. She shows up at his tiny apartment every day after... more
It’s 1978. The World Cup, the most popular sporting event in the world, is hosted for the first time in... more
An Italian photographer with a specialty in the horror humans do named Giancarlo Ceraudo shows up in Argentina to learn... more
It’s 1977, Argentina. The military has seized power. Miriam Lewin is 19 years old, an activist, and a target of... more
Miriam Lewin is one of Argentina’s leading journalists today. At 19 years old, she was kidnapped off the streets of... more