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Differently Aligned - For Neurodivergent Business Owners
Differently Aligned - For Neurodivergent Business Owners
Adina Levy

A podcast full of support, ideas, connection and camaraderie, for business owners with neurodivergent brains. This podcast is for you if you're... more

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ADHD strengths (and some challenges) as a business owner

Today I'm sharing some of the ways that being an ADHDer is a strength for me as a business owner,... more

05 Sep 2024 · 19 minutes
Autistic strengths (and some challenges) as a business owner

Today I'm sharing some of the ways that being Autistic is a strength for me as a business... more

20 Aug 2024 · 17 minutes
Managing Burnout and Prioritising Achievable Self-Care in Business - Chat with Anna Clarke, Psychologist

I had the fabulous pleasure of chatting with, and learning from Anna Clarke, a psychologist, play therapist, and EMDR Accredited... more

05 Aug 2024 · 15 minutes
What is 'busy' helping you avoid?

A good friend asked me a very powerful question recently, which I'm sharing with you today. And this is what... more

15 Jul 2024 · 14 minutes
Prioritising tasks in your business - What you should focus on first

In this episode, I’m going to cover prioritising tasks in your business  and what you should focus on first. One... more

03 Jul 2024 · 15 minutes
Managing Finances in Business for Neurodivergent Brains - with Tina Mathams

In today's episode, I'm going to be sharing a small pot of a wonderful guest speaker chat that I had... more

18 Jun 2024 · 18 minutes
Shift your Business from Burnout to Boundless

In this episode, I wanted to give you an easy way to listen in on a live webinar that I... more

04 Jun 2024 · 48 minutes
Stop Something Good to Invite Something Better into Your Business

In this episode, I’ll be sharing more about the concept of sunk cost fallacy and why we tend to hold... more

20 May 2024 · 14 minutes
Finding your authentic voice, public speaking and advocacy (rewriting the rules) - Chat with Annie Crowe

In this podcast shortie version of our chat, Annie Crowe and I talk about: How to find the balance... more

06 May 2024 · 21 minutes
My Strategic (sometimes Chaotic) Content Creation Workflow as an Autistic ADHDer & Business Owner

In this episode, I’ll be sharing my content creation workflow and process. When you own a business, whether you signed... more

22 Apr 2024 · 21 minutes
Automating & Streamlining your Business to support your Neurodivergent Needs

In this episode, I'm going to be sharing my love of streamlining, automating, and systematising. I totally love nerding out... more

04 Apr 2024 · 30 minutes
Listening to your Body to Thrive in Business: Sensory Needs & Interoception - with Steph Robertson

This epsiode is some fabulous highlight snippets from my guest speaker webinar that Steph Roberston recently did for my... more

26 Mar 2024 · 21 minutes
A tale of 1000 businesses - My business model journey & what I've learned

I’m sharing my business model journey and what I learned through all the different types of business that I've had... more

11 Mar 2024 · 26 minutes
Just get started - How to move forward in your business when you're feeling stuck

Have you ever said any of these things to yourself or even out loud?   "I just can't get started... more

28 Feb 2024 · 24 minutes
Come on in to the Differently Aligned Podcast for Neurodivergent Business Owners

Welcome in to the Differently Aligned podcast, for Neurodivergent Business Owners! In this shortie welcome episode, I share who the... more

05 Feb 2024 · 6 minutes
Differently Aligned - For Neurodivergent Business Owners
Just get started - How to move forward in your business when you're feeling stuck
Differently Aligned - For Neurodivergent Business Owners

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Have you ever said any of these things to yourself or even out loud?   "I just can't get started because I... more