Hi! I’m Rene (pronounced Rainy) and I want to share my love of roleplaying games with you! Join me as I play... more
Rene & Troy sit down to play Hunt(er/ed) in a new Tabletop Tutorial!
Cassidy finds herself outmatched when a new power gets involved in the unfolding events surrounding the Ebb’s investigator...
Rene finally gets Christian from the DMs After Dark to come on and chat all about running sandbox campaigns.
Cassidy escapes the chaos of the sky island ambush just to go on a potentially more dangerous mission - breaking... more
Rene gets inspired by rom-coms and offers advice on approaching romance at the table.
Cassidy and the Revenant sail out to intercept the sky island but find more than just competitors out there waiting... more
Rene sits down to play some Star Crossed with his wife Lynn for a Valentine’s Day special!
Cassidy swears a new vow, reflects on an old one, and visits a clockwork friend.
Tanya Floaker comes on to talk about their new game Mum Chums and we discuss the evolution of roleplaying game... more
Rene sits down with Dan from Almost Bedtime Theater to make a city in i’m sorry did you say street... more