What happens when a Wedding Planner and Divorce Attorney team up in life and on a Podcast? Real and Raw conversations about... more
Henry and Randi sit down and discuss getting kinky in the bedroom! No kink-shaming happening on this episode! Its an... more
Randi and Henry chat all about the relationships that have turned toxic. Specifically, when someone becomes an "ex", how do... more
Henry and Randi sit down and discuss a deep question: "Who are you individually without your career and family?" When... more
Randi and Henry sit down and talk about understanding the difference between Red flags and Green flags. In relationships, Red flags... more
Randi and Henry talk about having sex with your best friend - and on a deeper level discuss whether a... more
Randi and Henry talk about how you can reconnect with your spouse as the school schedule kicks back in. Randi... more
Henry and Randi jump in and discuss some of their favorite Disney movies that have some good lessons for life... more
Henry and Randi talk about how they start transitioning their family back to school schedules from their summers of fun!... more
Randi and Henry sit down and talk about the surprising things you find out about your spouse after you are... more
Henry & Randi discuss their favorite podcasts! Need something new to listen to this summer? Here are some great ideas. Honey... more