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The Bible in Context
The Bible in Context
Caleb Lewis and Nate Young

Our goal is to explore the narratives of the Bible in light of their cultural and literary context. As we study the... more

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Ep 54: Rebekah's Exodus from Righteous Abimelech Gen 26

Following in the footsteps of his father, Isaac sells out his wife to Abimelech, she is given exodus, and he... more

26 Sep 2024 · 28 minutes
Ep 53: Jacob Takes the Birthright Gen 25:19-34

The author of Genesis uses a bit of misdirection in the beginning of the Jacob and Esau story. God's promises... more

19 Sep 2024 · 18 minutes
Ep 52: Abraham’s Other Sons Gen 25:1-18

Genesis 25 begins with genealogies of Abraham's descendants from another concubine and Ishmael's descendants. But, as usual, genealogies are not... more

12 Sep 2024 · 25 minutes
Ep 51: Rebekah's Exodus to Canaan Gen 24 Part 2

Rebekah follows in the footsteps of Abraham and follows Yahweh's providential call to Canaan. We also meet a new character... more

05 Sep 2024 · 18 minutes
Ep 50: Rebekah's Moses-Like Deliverer Gen 24 Part 1

As Abraham's servant goes to find a bride of Isaac, instresting similarities are created between him and Moses. This end-cap... more

29 Aug 2024 · 25 minutes
Ep 49: The Problem of Evil and Creation Ex Materia

The problem of evil is an issue for many Christians. In this episode, we will see how creation ex materia... more

22 Aug 2024 · 23 minutes
Ep 48: Creation Ex Materia and God's Sovereignty

Creation from pre-existent material raises questions about God's sovereignty and preeminence over creation. But did the Biblical authors have these... more

15 Aug 2024 · 22 minutes
Ep 47: The Origin of Creation Ex Nihilo

When and how was the doctrine of creation ex nihilo developed? Why was it formulated? We will have to look... more

08 Aug 2024 · 28 minutes
Ep 46: Creation Ex Nihilo or Creation Ex Materia?

We dive into some key Biblical texts that inform the doctrine of creation equipped with knowledge of the original culture... more

01 Aug 2024 · 43 minutes
Ep 45: Sarah’s Burial and Hoodwinking Hittites Gen 23

Genesis 23 presents the reader with an odd story about a business transaction Abraham has with some Hittites. Why is... more

25 Jul 2024 · 25 minutes
The Bible in Context
Ep 54: Rebekah's Exodus from Righteous Abimelech Gen 26
The Bible in Context