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I Wish a Mutha Would
I Wish a Mutha Would

I Wish a Mutha Would is a podcast for millennial mommies who want to learn cool ways to create fun memories with... more

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Ep. 6: Self-Care is Essenital

Welcome to I Wish a Mutha Would - the interactive show that shares resources to help millennial moms create magical... more

28 Feb 2024 · 32 minutes
Ep. 5: Time Management for Moms

Welcome to I Wish a Mutha Would - the interactive show that shares resources to help millennial moms create magical... more

01 Feb 2024 · 32 minutes
Ep. 4: Hot Mess Mom Life

Welcome to I Wish a Mutha Would - the interactive show that shares resources to help millennial moms create magical... more

12 Dec 2023 · 33 minutes
Ep. 3: Momming After Divorce

Welcome to I Wish a Mutha Would - the interactive show that shares resources to help millennial moms create magical... more

26 Nov 2023 · 35 minutes
Ep. 2: Mama Needs Some Money!

Welcome to I Wish a Mutha Would - the interactive show that shares resources to help millennial moms create magical... more

11 Nov 2023 · 38 minutes
Ep. 1: What Kind of Mother Are You?

Welcome to I Wish a Mutha Would - the interactive show that shares resources to help millennial moms create magical... more

22 Oct 2023 · 42 minutes
I Wish a Mutha Would
Ep. 6: Self-Care is Essenital
I Wish a Mutha Would