Written in Stone tells the (mostly) true stories of the most groundbreaking ascents in rock climbing history, one decade at a time.... more
We're taking a short break because we want to make sure that we don't miss the important contributions from the... more
Because this season is focused on the 1980’s, and we are talking about the two best free soloists of their... more
Does Alex Honnold need an introduction? No, of course he doesn’t. But he was particularly suited for this conversation about... more
It was 1986, over halfway through a decade that had brought turbulent change to climbing, and it was clear to... more
Shortly after my own trip to the Grampians and Araps, where I played briefly on Punks in the Gym, just... more
As I was researching Wolfgang, I would regularly come across candid photos taken inside the house he shared with Kurt... more
Because the history of the Frankenjura can’t be told without Kurt Albert and Wolfgang Gullich, both of whom we lost... more
There’s really no debate. In the pantheon of Wolfgang Gullich frothers, there is no person who is as much a... more
From the early to mid 1980's, Wolfgang Gullich was steadily discovering his own power. Spurred on by American and British... more
While we're working hard on the next episode, an update on some changes to the remainder of the season. Check out... more