Welcome to "That Bigfoot Podcast," an edgy, fresh, and inventive take on the world of Bigfoot research. This is not your grandfather's... more
Wayne and Brian discuss the challenges of moderating discussions in Bigfoot Facebook groups, emphasizing the importance of questioning unverified claims.... more
In this episode, Wayne and Brian discuss their experiences with seasonal depression and the adjustments in their lives. Brian shares... more
In this episode, Brian and Wayne discuss their recent experiences and then dive into a detailed examination of the famed... more
Wayne and Brian discuss various Bigfoot-related topics. They start by talking about their day-to-day lives and the importance of preparing... more
Wayne and Brian discuss their recent snow adventures and how their dogs reacted to the snow. They also delve into... more
In this episode of the podcast, Wayne and Brian engage in a wide-ranging discussion on various topics related to the... more
Brian and Wayne kick off the new year with an engaging episode of That Bigfoot Podcast. They reflect on the... more
"Hey there, welcome back to another episode of That Bigfoot Podcast. Now, before we dive in, I want to let... more
In this episode, Brian and Wayne discuss personal updates, including Brian's birthday and health, before diving deep into controversial Bigfoot... more
In this episode, Wayne and Brian catch up with each other, discussing their latest adventures and activities. Wayne talks about... more