Gone are the days of coherent international coordination. Rather than working together to solve pressing crises, many of the world’s most powerful... more
Assad has fallen! The Tyrant is no more! Long live the revolution! There has been a genuine outpouring of jubilation among... more
This week was par for the course… We are living through Peak Disorder. Two democratic capital cities were convulsed by... more
Do elections work anymore? 2024 was the biggest year of elections in human history. Major contests were held in the... more
Amidst post-election malaise and seasonal depression, Jason is thankful for the Mega-Ordering listeners who sent in their questions to his... more
We have crossed through the looking glass – Up is Down, Disorder is Order, Vice is Virtue, Felony is a... more
The Post-Mortem autopsy continues. How could liberal elites have had eight and half years to prepare for the twenty thousand... more
The Disorderer-in-Chief is now President-Elect. We can’t say we didn’t see it coming. In fact, we predicted on the pod... more
After a night of trepidation at Jason’s watch party the results came in faster and more furiously than expected… Trump... more
What do professional ‘futurists’ think about global disorder? With our current world seemingly in never ending Disorder that won’t be... more
To celebrate Halloween, Jason goes on the Keen On show hosted by friend of the Disorder Pod, Andrew Keen, to... more