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The Geezer-Proofer
The Geezer-Proofer
Nancy Shenker

Are you a geezer or a beezer? A beezer knows how to be in the moment and looks ahead at any age.... more

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Ep. 48 - Why Your Life is Like a State Fair

Navigating work and life can be as dizzying as a State Fair ride and can make you as... more

26 Sep 2024 · 23 minutes
Ep. 47 - Fear Factors

Melissa's movie "Climbing Into Life" inspires us all to try new (and often scary) things at any age.... more

19 Sep 2024 · 34 minutes
Ep. 46 - Joy @ Work: From Kindergarten Teacher to CEO

Bonnie Marcus is a coach, published author, Forbes contributor, gendered ageism expert (across all generations), and all-around bad-ass!... more

17 Sep 2024 · 29 minutes
Ep. 45 - Girl Brands

Christine and I (Nancy) met 10+ years ago when social media was still in its infancy. We've seen... more

10 Sep 2024 · 28 minutes
Ep. 44 -10 Fabulous, Frightening & Fun Facts About Aging & Longevity

Facts don't lie! In this fast-paced and interactive session, Janine Vanderburg of Encore Roadmap and I share 10 things you... more

03 Sep 2024 · 33 minutes
Ep. 43 - Embrace Tech, But Be Human! AI in Plain English

Will "robot overlords" take over the world? Shrink our brains? Take our jobs? Only if we let them! Eric and... more

27 Aug 2024 · 31 minutes
Ep. 42 - Funny, Not Funny!

Greeting cards are often filled with ageist "jokes" which perpetuate stereotypes. One woman decided to take matters into her own... more

20 Aug 2024 · 37 minutes
Ep. 41 - Lives Well Lived: A 50+ Filmmaker

Sky Bergman began her movie career later in life (inspiring us all to live out our dreams and discover new... more

13 Aug 2024 · 22 minutes
Ep. 40 - Where You Live (and Thrive)

Deciding where to live after 50 can be challenging. Do you still need that big house and all that "stuff?"... more

06 Aug 2024 · 33 minutes
Ep. 39 - A New Yorker Went to Iowa...

One of us has spent years on farms and in nature. The other spent years on subways and with roaches... more

30 Jul 2024 · 23 minutes
Ep. 38 - Hot Woman Summer: Part Deux

30 (more or less) into the "summer of midlife freedom," I reflect on what I've done so far and what... more

23 Jul 2024 · 10 minutes
Ep. 37 - MOVE IT! Turning Fantasy Into Action

Many people 50+ grapple with what to do at this stage of their lives -- what they REALLY want to... more

16 Jul 2024 · 30 minutes
Ep. 36 - MILF Porn, Music & Entrepreneurship

Wondering how those three things fit together? Think again and listen up! London-based Suzanne Noble runs Startup School for Seniors,... more

02 Jul 2024 · 34 minutes
Ep. 35 - In Your 60's? Do What We Did in the '60s!

Paul Long breaks his life into these phases: Paul v1.0 was a third-generation storyteller who grew up in the news... more

25 Jun 2024 · 26 minutes
Ep. 34 - Things That Matter

Imagine your home caught fire and you could just grab ONE thing. What would it be? As we age, our... more

18 Jun 2024 · 28 minutes
Ep. 33 - "My Hot Woman Summer"

This is my first summer as an adult that I've had virtually unlimited freedom. It's full of possibilities and surprises.... more

11 Jun 2024 · 13 minutes
Ep. 32 - Polyamory & "Alternative" Lifestyles

A counselor, nurse, and author in Berkeley, California, Kathy Labriola has provided affordable mental health services to alternative communities for... more

04 Jun 2024 · 31 minutes
Ep. 31 - The 90-Day Dating Rule

That profile is terrific and the first few dates are promising. And then, BOOM! The ick sets in. Casey and... more

28 May 2024 · 29 minutes
Ep. 30 - The Super Ager

As Bradley Schurman's Amazon book page says, "A demographic futurist explains the coming Super Age—when there will be more people... more

07 May 2024 · 34 minutes
Ep. 29 - Show Me the Money, Honey! $$ After 50

Along with sex, food, and religion, money is often a topic of shame and confusion for many people. As we... more

30 Apr 2024 · 30 minutes
Ep. 28 - Nancy A Shenker & Spring Cleaning

As she does every quarter, Nancy goes solo and unplugged, musing about her life, observations, and goals. This episode revolves... more

23 Apr 2024 · 13 minutes
Ep. 27 - Women Over 50 Who Kill (and the People Who Love Them)

Let's confess: Many of us are addicted to true crime TV, books, and those titilating headlines that pop... more

16 Apr 2024 · 28 minutes
Ep. 26 - Can You Make Changes After 50?

Habit, belief, and behavior change can be difficult at any age. To "celebrate" the halfway mark of my annual podcast... more

09 Apr 2024 · 32 minutes
Ep. 25 - Let's Talk Vaginas!

Billie Best is the author of Clitapalooza, a novel about a woman, a sexy chatbot, and her vibrator (and privacy... more

02 Apr 2024 · 24 minutes
Ep. 24 - Poll Dancing! How One Man Captures What 50+ People are Thinking

Lots of people have opinions about things and people over 50. But, as Jack Webb in Draget used to say,... more

26 Mar 2024 · 32 minutes
Ep. 23 - Gatherings: Who's Getting Together and Why?

From cave days (when people would gather around the fire) to quilting bees to the Woodstock era, people have had... more

19 Mar 2024 · 33 minutes
Ep. 22 - Fiction 50: How to Get Those Creative Juices Flowing

If you love to write, paint, collage, drum or strum, or simply doodle you can start a new crative venture... more

12 Mar 2024 · 23 minutes
Ep. 21 - Penis Power: Perspectives from a Sexual Wellness Specialist

Limp penis? Dry vagina? Fear of either? Do not despair -- at any age! Paul Gittens MD of the Rockwell... more

05 Mar 2024 · 31 minutes
Ep. 20 - Anti-Ageism Activism: Burning Our Bifocals!

Simply put, ageism sucks at both ends of the life spectrum. Janine Vanderburg is the CEO of Encore Roadmap, speaking,... more

27 Feb 2024 · 30 minutes
Ep. 19 - Ch-ch-ch-changes! Two Women Dish About Their Transitions

This is one of those episodes that's like eavesdropping on a convo between two women who love to "kibbitz." Wendi... more

20 Feb 2024 · 38 minutes
The Geezer-Proofer
Ep. 20 - Anti-Ageism Activism: Burning Our Bifocals!
The Geezer-Proofer

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Simply put, ageism sucks at both ends of the life spectrum. Janine Vanderburg is the CEO of Encore Roadmap, speaking, writing and... more