Your heart is tap dancing in your ears. Your breath is out of sync. Your stomach is churning. Welcome to Gigi Rosenberg's... more
How do you show up as your big self on the stage when you’re a shy person? And then, how... more
You know that feeling of “All Eyes on You”? It goes by many names: performance anxiety, stage fright and butterflies... more
How do you pitch your big idea to the world? Especially if it’s an “impossible idea” that has lots of... more
You’re about to take the stage and your palms are sweaty, your mouth is dry and your heart is beating... more
Does speaking off the cuff in a Q&A session give you the jitters? It can feel scary to open for... more
Years ago, when Linda Cohen launched a speaking career on the topic of Kindness, nobody thought it would fly. Flash... more
Everyone is born with presence yet many of us diminish our presence when under the stress of public speaking. Join... more
Wouldn't it be great if you could carry confidence in your pocket? It might quell the dry mouth, sweaty palms... more
Seth Barrish has directed Netflix comedy specials, acted in major movies and TV shows and co-founded one of NYC’s most... more
Terri Trespicio’s TEDx talk from 2016 is nearing 8 million views. If you want the story behind this award-winning writer/speaker’s... more