Another F***ing Bitcoin Podcast? No, this is THE Bitcoin Podcast. Hosted by Walker. Bitcoin is scarce, but Bitcoin Podcasts are abundant. Get... more
"Everyone is now paying attention to [Bitcoin] because it is the index for where the world is going."On this Bitcoin... more
"I truly think the Bitcoin rewards credit card will be a top three Bitcoin product of all time... It's pure... more
"This system that's outside of the free market economy can only exist due to its proximity to the money printer.... more
"Politicians realize that they need Bitcoin now or may need Bitcoin and that's really the story here."On this Bitcoin Talk... more
“Bitcoin is like a mirror for these reckless government spending programs.”On this Bitcoin Talk episode of THE Bitcoin Podcast, Walker... more
"$100,000 is nothing. It's nothing in the grand scheme of things. And it's also being measured in a frame of... more
"If you believe, like I do, that Bitcoin in the course of the next century--and probably much, much sooner--becomes the... more
"Everybody now has to go through the logical concourse of understanding that Bitcoin's the premier and final asset that you... more
"Much like the companies that were early adopters out of necessity. I think we'll see nation states clamor in out... more
"The free market will vastly outperform anything the government can do."On this Bitcoin Talk episode of THE Bitcoin Podcast, Walker... more
"The fourth American republic, the bright orange future, the next first turning, whatever you want to call it, will be... more
“Now we've strengthened the dollar system. We've weakened the dollar. We've made American industry more competitive. We've driven inflation and... more
“Bitcoin over the last five years has returned 55% CAGR. If you get a 10th of a Bitcoin right now,... more
"That's why Bitcoin is so brilliant… it removes humans from the monetary system for the first time in all history."On... more
"We are attempting to speed up hyperbitcoinization. That's it in a nutshell. Hyperbitcoinization is happening whether you like it or... more
"This is something that could be really beneficial to all Americans, American businesses and America on a geopolitical stage. And... more
"If Bitcoin didn't exist, I probably would just be at a fiat job and depressed and just like slugging away.... more
“Nostr is ideal for becoming THE global town square, THE place where ideas get debated… The network is the feature."On... more
“I interviewed people from Western countries, USA, Sweden, Canada, but then Jamaica, double digit inflation, Argentina, triple digit inflation. Venezuela,... more
"What happens when the unstoppable force of infinite fiat demand meets the immovable object of absolute scarcity, absolute finite Bitcoin... more
"One bitcoin from a self-custody investor is basically infinitely more valuable in setting the price than thousands of bitcoin held... more
"Fix the money, fix the world. Yes, that's one thing. But if we want to starve the beast, we can't... more
“All of us matter because we are Bitcoin. We're defending it. We're building the path forward so it's used as... more
A BUNCH OF CRAZY BITCOINERS RANTING FOR TWO HOURS WHILE DRINKING HEAVILY.Today’s episode is Titcoin Talk, where I bring together... more
"Fuck this fiat bullshit, fuck CBDCs... it's time for us to really start rebuilding in a meaningful and thoughtful way... more
"My view for the future is that the way that we keep podcasting open and protect the precious medium that... more
“The best beefsteak course is the one that speaks to your tongue."On this Bitcoin Talk episode of THE Bitcoin Podcast,... more
“It's not just Suriname… It's a chance to have Bitcoin be the unit of account. It's a chance to... more
"We need to go back to the basic problem is that there is no climate crisis. It's all a crock... more
“The thing that you keep in mind while you're stacking sats is, have a dream. I have dreams. I want... more
“The great thing about technological innovation like Bitcoin is that regardless of what people are able to do about their... more
“The wave hasn't even come… we're just kind of like on the beach and the wave's kind of creeping up,... more
“If you want to change the world, you start with the kids.”On this Bitcoin Talk episode of THE Bitcoin Podcast,... more
“It seemed like a risky thing. But the more I did understand it, the more I was like NOT having... more
“For an artist or a writer or creator of any type, you suddenly have the potential to have a worldwide... more
"Prosperity happens because you have good money and you have a community that trades. Government is the opposite of that.... more
"They have to create wars. They have to create chaos in order to bring about a new world order. It's... more
"Everyone just gets gravity. Everyone gets the protocol and we all live within that. And that's a rule without rulers.... more
"Bitcoin implicates the First Amendment. As a system for collecting and communicating information ranging from payment data to art, bitcoin... more
"What is lacking in order to make the developing countries as prosperous as the United States is only one thing.... more
"We the Cypherpunks are dedicated to building anonymous systems. We are defending our privacy with cryptography, with anonymous mail forwarding... more
“The only barrier that you would not join Nostr right now is because the other platforms have more users and... more
“What if Bitcoin were to monetize to reach some parity with gold in the next five, 10, 15 years… How... more
"When you look at the historical track record of fiat currencies, if you run out the clock long enough, they... more
With Peter McCormack closing down What Bitcoin Did, you may be feeling lost, unsure of what Bitcoin podcast to fill... more
"When Cypherpunks wrote that privacy is necessary in order to establish democratic society in digital age, that's a profound statement,... more
"One in seven Americans hold [Bitcoin]. They're in every district. They're in every congressional district. They are in every party.... more
“If Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, and the big banks decided to gang up on Proton, they can still do the same... more
"The best way to fight tyranny is through comedy... The most effective way to fight these people is actually not... more
"If someone wants to change Bitcoin in a way that is detrimental to even a minority of the Bitcoin users,... more
"When you make it as a Bitcoiner, you deserve it because you took the risk that most other people don't... more
“Coming out of a bear market, everyone who's been daily DCAing, everyone who's just been using Bitcoin as their savings... more
"I will sell every Bitcoin I ever own, and I will invest every dollar back into the industry that helps... more
"The goal of the government should be to leverage the fiat system as it is to protect American lives and... more
"If we take care to build good stuff in an honest, transparent way–and this is also why open source is... more
"it's literal magic… We're doing magic with magic internet money using free and open protocols that a bunch of weirdo... more
"Bitcoin is neutral and these other cryptocurrencies are not. They have insiders, whether it's founders, whether it's boards, whether it's... more
"It doesn't matter if the existing system prints $2 trillion, $8 trillion, $50 trillion. It's just different pieces of paper.... more
"Bitcoin education doesn't matter. The product of Bitcoin education does. So what we are doing here is a means to... more
"In order to keep this orderly and things from collapsing overnight, you have to keep printing more and more and... more
“What gives me hope is that we have some degree of control of our future. That we can build things... more
“Over the coming months, [Fedi] will eventually become fully AGPL open source, so that we don't just use the best... more
"I've got 12 words. You can't take my money… that's the beauty of this system. We finally got a weapon... more
"One of the biggest things Bitcoin has taught me is that proof of work matters and empty promises do not.... more
"The world is changing fast, and things are going to get fucking crazy. But we’ll be OK because we have... more
"If I were the devil, I would promote a system where money, the lifeblood of an economy, is controlled not... more
"The sim swappers don't care if they can spend 20 minutes and take $3 ,000 from you. That's a pretty... more
"There's no excuse anymore to not help someone who's suffering on the other part of the world because Bitcoin connects... more
"Bitcoin is such an incredible thing, because if you don't have Bitcoin, what is your hope about the future?"On this... more
"If I didn't know who I'd be, how would I feel about Bitcoin? I could wake up tomorrow to be... more
"I needed Bitcoin to defend myself against the State. Bitcoin is so powerful that it actually leveled the playing field... more
Bram Kanstein, host of Bitcoin for Millennials, joins Walker, host of THE Bitcoin Podcast, for a Bitcoin Podcast Inception episode.*****THE... more
"How would you rebuild computers if you started today with our values?"On this Bitcoin Talk episode of THE Bitcoin Podcast,... more
"When your morals can be bought, you are not a patriot – you are a sell out."On this Bitcoin Out... more
"History shows us that when empires fall, there's going to be this old guard that's clawing for power that will... more
"Your red guy, your blue guy, they both represent the same systems of organizational violence that want to rob you... more
"Being based is someone that knows the truth, has verified the truth, understands the truth to be real, seeks more... more
"When a government increases the quantity of paper money, the result is that the purchasing power of the monetary unit... more
"Government, the State, doesn't have to be the way it is right now... the world doesn't have to be the... more
"if you put the requisite time and energy into creating a culture that self-enforces ethics, you don't need violence in... more
"The demand response or the Bitcoin mining component is a key piece in the economic and thermodynamic puzzle and electrical... more
"Even if you might not consciously be aware of how you're hurting yourself in the act of using fiat, once... more
"we're an unruly people. We're supposed to be unruly and free and dirty and unwashed and crass. That is the... more
"The isolated interference brought about a condition which, from the point of view of the government, is even more undesirable... more
"If you are running a human-rights group and your bank account hasn’t yet been frozen, flagged, or compromised, it likely... more
"In socialist countries, it is not the seller who has to be grateful. It is the buyer. The citizen is... more
"If we look upon the history of the world, especially upon the history of England since 1865, we realize that... more
"if you come through the Bitcoin rabbit hole, the first mind blowing thing from the Austrian perspective is the fact,... more
"Some cases in life, one side is wrong and the other side is right. And I'm very clear on this.... more
"It's an economic war, and we've got to be richer than them. That's it. We need the Bitcoiners the richest,... more
"As Bitcoiners, we're supposed to have this long-term perspective. We're supposed to envision this world where things could be different.... more
"I don't show Bitcoin and Nostr to anybody that listens... I think we need to focus on the people that... more
"What Bitcoiners share is a willingness and a desire to investigate the truth for themselves."On this Bitcoin Talk episode of... more
"look what we have now, it's like literally death. The US dollar is like extremely toxic, right? It bombs countries... more
“The one main difference, between El Salvador and any other country I've seen is the optimism. There's optimism here. People... more
"Become a crazy person. If people in your life are not showing you active disdain, you're not stacking hard enough.... more
"really the people at the root cause of these carbon emissions, it's Keynesians, right? It's the people who want to... more
On this Bitcoin Talk episode of THE Bitcoin Podcast, Walker talks with Calle, an open-source developer currently building Cashu, an... more
"if you go on Twitter today, you will see a lot of people yelling about different things and most of... more
On this Bitcoin Talk episode of THE Bitcoin Podcast, Walker talks with Ben Justman (of Peony Lane Wine)Ben shares his... more
"Machankura is a result of that bank account account being frozen... Do I spend time figuring out and getting my... more
"Money is a technology for measuring f*cks given."On this Bitcoin Talk episode of THE Bitcoin Podcast, Walker talks with Devon... more
“Everything under $1 million is going to be a rounding error in the future… If you get in at this... more
“The biggest mistake you can possibly make today is not changing your denominator to Bitcoin. If you're measuring everything in... more
"Bitcoin is often framed by critics as a waste of energy. But in Bondo, like in so many other places... more
Listen to Lyn Alden's latest article "Assessing the Health of Bitcoin," read out loud by Walker on this Bitcoin Out... more
Walker talks with Miljan, creator of Primal, about the growth of Nostr and what's coming next for the Nostr ecosystem.... more
"Bitcoin certainly seems to offer something positive in societies scarred by autocracy, colonialism, military coups and woeful governance — as... more
On this Bitcoin Talk episode of THE Bitcoin Podcast, Walker talks with Guy Swann, host of Bitcoin Audible and AI... more
"To be against Bitcoin is to be against freedom, fairness, non-violence, and voluntary choice. A crusade against Bitcoin is a... more
"Money is a technology for measuring f*cks given."On this Bitcoin Talk episode of THE Bitcoin Podcast, Walker talks with Devon Eriksen, software... more