Here’s a scary fact about adulthood. We stop asking questions. We lose the playful curiosity and creativity that we had as children.... more
What happens when career advancement requires you to be manipulative, bossy, and a bit reckless? Jenny Wood's meteoric rise at... more
Is your identity preventing you from making a necessary change? The golden child, the one who spent decades climbing the... more
Markets are selling off. Quick, how do you react? I’ve been long (i.e. no selling) since 1999. Yup, 25 years.... more
What happens when you hit a career crossroads and don't know which path to take? Anne-Laure Le Cunff discusses navigating... more
What happens when a brain tumor forces you to actually take a break and stop? After decades in management consulting... more
Is your drive for success killing you? Lou Marchetti was a private equity Master of the Universe until he dropped... more
What the heck is happening to the internet? Why does everything feel so different now? Between algorithmic feeds optimizing for... more
Is the 40-hour work week dead? Elle Griffin’s research shows that 70% of salaried workers clock less than 40 hours.... more
Are solopreneurs destined to be stuck trading time for money? Serial entrepreneur Bart Egnal breaks down the traps of scaling... more
What happens when a founder walks away from $60 million after selling his company? Post-achievement entrepreneurs often find themselves chasing... more
What happens when your spouse's startup explodes and you're suddenly worth $20 million? The anonymous spouse of a successful founder... more
What if we've been thinking about retirement planning all wrong? Christine Benz, Morningstar's personal finance expert, breaks down how our... more
If you’re looking to ditch anxiety, overwhelm and comparison — this episode’s for you. Executive coach Joe Hudson put out... more
Is searching for your life's purpose causing more anxiety than fulfillment? Jordan Grumet, a former doctor turned author and podcaster,... more
We would love to live in another country with my kids. But there’s inertia, logistics and — let’s be honest... more
Modern life doesn’t allow us to take a pause, zoom out and reflect on our lives. We’re always putting out... more
Are our kids buckling under the pressure of academics and sports? Achievement culture flows downstream from ambitious parents who are... more
I often joke that my love language is simple. “No thank you.” After all, if you don’t put yourself out... more
What does it mean to truly surrender into love? It means putting yourself out there and being vulnerable. And also... more
Jack was going through the motions during his investment banking job. He was told that this was his dream job,... more
Carrie Sun went down the high-earning finance path and walked away. She attended Wharton’s MBA program and dropped out to... more
Imagine going from 60-hour weeks to a semi-retired life of leisure. But if you give up goals and the relentless... more
It’s rare to see someone leave the McKinsey/BCG track to become a writer. This involves financial sacrifices and an “Identity... more
Midlife, it’s more of a mindset than a specific age, right? Well, it’s also that wide age range of 40-60... more
I left a high-paying job on Wall Street to become a *checks notes* influencer? This wasn’t a planned career choice,... more
Who wouldn’t pursue financial independence and early retirement (aka FIRE)? The path to get there includes frugality and investing. But... more
Being a part of an IPO is a dream. Especially when you’re the 6th employee. Rick Foerster played the long... more
I cannot afford to buy the house I rent. Is that a feature or a bug? A deep-dive on the... more
You’re reading the wrong books. The pop-psy self-improvement cannon is rife with recycled takeaways that don’t actually change you. However,... more
We’ve been thinking about networking wrong this entire time. Let’s flip the script and focus instead on adding value, deepening... more
Is working 100 hours a week as an investment banker worth it? You’ll sacrifice your health, relationships and passions —... more
Should you walk away from your dream job (during your prime years)? If you’ve been grinding for over a decade... more
Could the secret to success be embracing your envy? Joe Hudson reveals how comparison breeds misery and stifles growth and... more
A common struggle for high-achievers is the need to make every moment productive. As a result, rest and leisure are... more
Meditation is good for you. Like eating your broccoli, we get it. But beyond stress-relief and cognitive clarity, how can... more
Many people dream of making millions as a hedge fund manager on Wall Street. But it’s an absolute grind. Ben... more
I just turned 45 years old, which means I've lived 60.3% of my actuarial lifespan. I have way less hair,... more
Imagine you’re about to have your first kid. But your career is muddling along and you don’t have a dependable... more
There’s a simple playbook for happiness. One we’ve been taught since we were kids. Study hard, get a good job,... more
IQ gets all the attention. It’s the raw brain power that wows us. But EQ, or emotional intelligence, might be... more
From playing online poker to pay for college, to starting a gardening lifestyle business that turned into a $40 million... more
Author Geraldine DeRuiter reached the dizzying heights of publishing her first book, then experienced the more muted satisfaction of her... more
When I was 22 years old, I worked 100 hours a week as an investment banker on Wall Street. I... more
Do you feel like AI is a solution in search of a problem? I used to feel the same way.... more
Death is scary. We don't want to think about the infinite unknown. And being a speck not more than star... more
2015. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was the Person of the Year, Instagram Stories didn’t exist and Uptown Funk was the... more
Imagine being unable to afford a cup of coffee in your 20s. Then being able to afford the entire coffee... more
5% of Americans are in open relationships. I used to think that this world was for hot 20-somethings frolicking around... more
My wife and I did a guided psychedelic journey together. It was fully-assisted and we put on sleeping masks and... more
The traditional way of getting a great job is being turned upside down. Social media, personal brands and a digital... more
The Internet has created a gold mine of opportunity. You can use it to find your next job. Or business... more
I’ve been told I look Brazilian, Greek and Hawaiian. I relished it because I didn’t want to be called Asian.... more
Going to therapy usually evokes laying on a couch and talking endlessly about your childhood. But what if all the... more
Do you take parenting at face value? Obviously, no — but when was the last time you questioned the assumptions?... more
I left my "peak earning" years to focus on fatherhood. The financial sacrifice was huge but 10 years later I... more
I got entrepreneurship backwards. I thought it was all about writing business plans and doing market research. Serial Entrepreneur Noah... more
Ambition is a good thing, right? It’s your ambition that creates opportunity. It grows your income. It makes you visible... more
I’ve invested a ton of money into coaching. ($163,900 to be specific.) I’ve used coaching to face my insecurities, overcome... more
The economy is soaring. Stocks are at all time highs. Inflation has been tamed. Yet young people are angry and... more
When you think of creativity, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s a disheveled Earnest Hemingway writing in a cafe in... more
It’s bonus season. Are you thinking of making that big move? And finally walking away from your cushy, high-paying job?... more
As your earnings go up, your ability to enjoy money should increase as well. And you should worry less. Yet... more
The first 3 years of your life deeply impact how you interact with the world around you. We develop attachment... more
Are you a Post-Achievement Professional? For starters, this doesn’t mean that you no longer care about striving and achieving great... more
Playing the “net worth” game puts you on the never-ending hamster wheel of never hitting “enough.” In this episode we... more
Are men becoming more in touch with their feelings? Or are they going the way of Andrew Tate’s brash aggression... more
2023 was the year everything went wrong. Rising interest rates, return to office, a shaky consumer and the collapse of... more
We worry about money. When there’s not enough, we’re scared of the catastrophe. When there’s too much — there’s always... more
One of the most common complaints from high-performers? “I can’t turn off my brain.” So we turn to doomscrolling, alcohol... more
Networking gets a bad rap. It’s transactional, icky and insincere. In this solo episode, Khe reimagines the entire networking experience... more
As a parent, you’re constantly nervous about raising spoiled, entitled and elitist kids. And if you're from a modest upbringing... more
[Ep. 23] You meet someone, they Google you. Are the results your personal brand? In a world where everyone is... more
[Ep. 22] If you work 40 hours a week on your own terms, are you semi-retired? A solo episode where... more
[Ep. 21] Owning your time. Living close to nature. Rock climbing daily. Do you have to wait until “retirement” to... more
[Ep. 20] What happens when making money starts making you unhappy? You might dislike the activity. Or be bored. We... more
[Ep. 19] High-performing teenage kids are considered an “at risk” group. Yup, they’re as likely as prone to substance abuse... more
[Ep. 18] Productivity is sold as the silver bullet to all our modern problems. Do a bit more. A bit... more
[Ep. 17] Are you scared that you’re one mistake from losing it all? We all experience some form of the... more
[Ep. 16] I became obsessed with productivity content in my 20s. Being “productive” was an accelerant for my career, finances... more
[Ep. 15] Why does listening to podcasts on “Chipmunk Mode” (aka 2x speed) feel so unhealthy — yet so attractive?... more
Ep. 14 What’s really happening between the sheets? A s*xologist answers juicy questions about our sex lives. We cover the... more
[Ep. 13] Khe tackles his 26 year history of drinking in this solo episode. You’ll hear about “Blackout Island,” being... more
[Ep. 12] Everyone claims to be playing “the long game,” but what does that actually mean? We discuss building genuine... more
In this episode we discuss adult friendships and how they evolve with age including Aristotle’s 3 definitions of friendship, the... more
Is college (still) worth it? We discuss whether you should save $1,000 every month for 18 years so your kid... more
Yes, I left a high-paying job. But I’ve never told the story about what motivated me, how I got promoted... more
What is self-love? The opposite is self-loathing. We discuss self-directed burnout, the need to be perceived as “good,” psychedelic journeys,... more
Legacy is a tricky thing. We all want our lives to matter, but what does this actually mean? Kris, a... more
We are surrounded by status games. Whether it’s having a blue text bubble, a fancy car or the right combination... more
Imagine your own funeral. Your friends are asked to describe you. And they say: “You know what? He / she... more
We are surrounded by status games. Whether it’s having a blue text bubble, a fancy car or the right combination of universities... more