The year is 2083. The global population has been decimated by the final flu. The United States – not united for a... more
"You paying for the story on top of the body?" The Colonel wakes to Caroline’s dream of power over him and... more
"Keep Your Pain Inside, Like the Rest of Us." Sherriff John Newman is now Caroline’s prisoner. The war chief is wary... more
"She's Dead...You Left Her for Dead." Sheriff John Newman and Caroline are reunited in a way that they neither expected or... more
I Want to Hunt Men. The time to leave has come. Caroline will not hide and slip away quietly. She will... more
"The Girl Whose One Hand was Painted in Venom, the Other, a Rattle." Caroline surpasses all men and beasts in the... more
"Walking as a Woman, Becoming Once Again, an Animal." Caroline’s adopted father delivers her to the healer and provides a... more
"Although It Was Not Perfect, It Was a Plan." Caroline has learned enough about her captors and her environment to plan... more
"And Then Twitched in Vain." Caroline wakes up in a new world. She doesn’t know where she is and doesn’t understand... more
Swallowed by a Sea of Grass.
We're playing for time.