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Squad Depth
Squad Depth
Squad Depth

A corner for Theo Lloyd-Hughes - and perhaps some other collaborators - to tell slow-paced, soft, and curious stories + player &... more

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Madelyn Desiano: "I get to do something that I love, despite the setbacks"

At just 24, footballer Madelyn Desiano has experienced a lot. Life-shattering knee injuries, national championships, raw emotions on draft night,... more

07 Sep 2024 · 45 minutes
Jackie Gutierrez: Forging your own space as a footy freelancer

We're turning our focus back off the pitch, and the people helping grow the beautiful game. So, this week the... more

14 Jun 2024 · 36 minutes
Kelly Cousins: Positivity and process, when at the bottom of the mountain

Welcome back to Squad Depth with Theo Lloyd-Hughes. This week, it's all about the NWSL moment. And more specifically the struggling Utah Royals. Theo... more

24 May 2024 · 31 minutes
Georgia Soares: The Paulista with a lens on American soccer

Welcome back to Squad Depth with Theo Lloyd-Hughes. It's time to go behind the lens with photographer Georgia Soares. Having grown up in São... more

05 Mar 2024 · 34 minutes
Amy Andrews: Midlands, to America, to the English Women's Championship

Welcome back to Squad Depth with Theo Lloyd-Hughes. This week, it's a sit-down with Amy Andrews. The Englishwoman completed five impressive years in the... more

02 Feb 2024 · 36 minutes
Juana Plata: Living in the Monterrey moment

Welcome back to Squad Depth with Theo Lloyd-Hughes. This week, we're catching up with Juana Plata. This is the first feature that will shed... more

23 Jan 2024 · 39 minutes
Amanda West: A Pittsburgh record-breaker ready for the NWSL Draft

Welcome back to Squad Depth with Theo Lloyd-Hughes. This week, we're looking ahead to the 2024 NWSL Draft. To do that, University of Pittsburgh... more

10 Jan 2024 · 33 minutes
Maliah Morris: "Marta knows my name"

Welcome back to Squad Depth with Theo Lloyd-Hughes. This week, we caught up with Maliah Morris, an American footballer currently playing for Western Sydney... more

23 Dec 2023 · 40 minutes
Em Woods: Woso Casual and the urge to be a video maker

When you don't have a local professional football club, you have to go out into the online neighbourhood and find... more

15 Dec 2023 · 37 minutes
Reyna Reyes: Everything happens for a reason

What is it like to score in a 90th-minute equalizer with your first-ever shot as a professional footballer? Well on this... more

11 Oct 2023 · 29 minutes
Squad Depth
Georgia Soares: The Paulista with a lens on American soccer
Squad Depth

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Welcome back to Squad Depth with Theo Lloyd-Hughes. It's time to go behind the lens with photographer Georgia Soares. Having grown up in São Paulo, Brazil,... more