Meet artists who use science to bring their creations to the next level.
In 2005, a software bug triggered a pandemic in the video game World Of Warcraft. It ended up foreshadowing many... more
The show’s starring scientist finds a mushroom that can heal any ailment. But powerful people will do anything to stop... more
The award-winning novel 'Orbital' explores the inner thoughts of astronauts during a single day aboard the International Space Station.
The science advisor for “Interstellar” discusses the film’s impact, and how new information about gravitational waves could have changed it.
Playwrights and scientists teamed up to create plays based on scientific research. One of them explores pregnancy through fungal computing.
You asked for science book recommendations for the kids in your life. Two bookworm experts respond—and share their own favorites.
Metaphors can help us understand complicated scientific concepts. But they can also have a downside.
In “The Insect Epiphany,” an entomologist explores the history of insects in art, food, engineering, and more.
A pair of musicians wrote a concept album inspired by moths—and found that humans have more in common with the... more
In the play “Franklinland,” Benjamin Franklin’s son takes centerstage in an exploration of his father’s life as a scientist, statesperson,... more
The Center for Genomic Gastronomy is making foods that capture environmental crises. Plus, what scientists found when they took a... more
The larger Pacific striped octopus is unusually social. But it wasn’t recognized by scientists until 2015, despite one man’s efforts.
Archaeologists keep finding older and older cave art. Here’s what it could tell us about how humans evolved over time.
A new podcast series examines sonified space data to explore pivotal moments throughout the history of astronomy.
A new book looks at the history of psychological warfare, its connections to science fiction, and how it’s been adapted... more
A meteorologist decodes the tornado science in the new 'Twisters' sequel, and researchers made a spacesuit inspired by the one... more
Discover new science reads for this summer with two authors and science writers familiar with the best books on the... more
Psychologist Dr. Lisa Damour helped make the film more scientifically accurate to how a teenager’s mind works.
The eerie calls of the common loons have been heard in songs by Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Lana Del Rey,... more
In her new memoir, astrobiologist Dr. Aomawa Shields describes how a quest for life in the cosmos helped her find... more
For Universe of Art's one year birthday, listeners share their science-inspired poems, sound art, and collages.
A lab at Gallaudet University is creating television shows with signing characters to increase literacy in both English and ASL.
In a new documentary, NASA psychologists try to find solutions for the mental health challenges of a three-year trip to... more
The science advisor for the Netflix adaptation breaks down the physics in the show.
A planetary scientist compares Arrakis to real planets and analyzes whether life could exist on such a sandy, scorching-hot world.
How do you integrate science into standup comedy? Comedians Chuck Nice, Kasha Patel, and Kyle Marian Viterbo tell us how.
Game developer and author Adrian Hon explains the consequences of allowing gaming principles to creep into so many corners of... more
Dr. Carlotta Berry writes romance novels about Black women in the sciences to encourage more people to go into the... more
We’re checking out two museum exhibitions: one exploring our history with genetic modification of pigs, and another envisioning potential positive... more
In “The Dialogues,” a graphic novel by theoretical physicist Clifford Johnson, the superheroes are scientists—and they’ll teach you a thing... more
Nature cartoonist Rosemary Mosco shares her process about how dreams up scenes from the funny side of science.
At an HIV research conference earlier this year, HIV-positive artists and scientists were paired together to create art for an... more
Researchers tested if listeners could identify lullabies, dance, love, and healing songs from different cultures.
We might think that an old dog can't learn new tricks. According to neuroscience and neuroplasticity though, that’s not true... more
Daydreaming is a great source for creativity. But why is it so hard for adults to do?
Poet Jane Hirshfield takes on crises both biological and human in her new book “Ledger.”
Composer Sarah Hennies’ new piece “Motor Tapes” was inspired by a neurological theory of the same name. How did she... more
How does our changing climate get expressed in a folk song versus a video game?
The new monster action flick plays fast and loose with ancient shark science, but this megalodon researcher doesn’t mind that... more
The new film follows a couple as they find out what it’s like to grow their baby inside a pod.... more
NASA’s Sonification Project aims to turn astrophysics data into sound, enabling visually impaired people to engage with outer space.
Astrophysicist Dr. Erin Macdonald talks about consulting on the famous series and the real (and fictional) science on screen.
From ‘Alien’ to ‘The Last of Us,’ parasites have a gruesome reputation. But this parasitologist is using anime-inspired art to... more
Jim Metzner, a pioneer of science radio, looks back on his lifetime of nature recordings, now heading for the Library... more
A new book, ‘Your Brain On Art,’ examines new research about the effectiveness of art in healthcare and the benefits... more
A concert violinist is developing a 3D-printed violin that costs $7, in hopes of lowering the barrier to getting kids... more
Composer Annea Lockwood uses stereo microphones and underwater hydrophones to create detailed “river maps.”
Astrophysicist Nia Imara's career merges art and astronomy to figure out how stars are born.
Meet the illustrators and scientists who are spreading joy and knowledge about the backends of the backbone-less.
Drag performers, like Pattie Gonia and Kyne, are using social media to bring science communication to a wider audience.