Meet artists who use science to bring their creations to the next level.
The Center for Genomic Gastronomy is making foods that capture environmental crises. Plus, what scientists found when they took a... more
The larger Pacific striped octopus is unusually social. But it wasn’t recognized by scientists until 2015, despite one man’s efforts.
Archaeologists keep finding older and older cave art. Here’s what it could tell us about how humans evolved over time.
A new podcast series examines sonified space data to explore pivotal moments throughout the history of astronomy.
A new book looks at the history of psychological warfare, its connections to science fiction, and how it’s been adapted... more
A meteorologist decodes the tornado science in the new 'Twisters' sequel, and researchers made a spacesuit inspired by the one... more
Discover new science reads for this summer with two authors and science writers familiar with the best books on the... more
Psychologist Dr. Lisa Damour helped make the film more scientifically accurate to how a teenager’s mind works.
The eerie calls of the common loons have been heard in songs by Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Lana Del Rey,... more
In her new memoir, astrobiologist Dr. Aomawa Shields describes how a quest for life in the cosmos helped her find... more