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Colorado Public Radio

The southwestern United States has been in a drought for more than 20 years. It's created a serious problem for the Colorado... more

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A River for the Future

Across the U.S.-Mexico border, the Colorado River once flowed freely into the ocean. When the freshwater and saltwater met, it... more

05 Jul 2023 · 41 minutes
Desert Farming, Differently

Crops like alfalfa that feed cows are the biggest user of the Colorado River, to satisfy our cravings for nachos... more

27 Jun 2023 · 30 minutes
Water For Pay

If we turned off every tap in every city in the southwest, we still wouldn't solve the Colorado River crisis.... more

20 Jun 2023 · 36 minutes
The Cost of Cheap Water

What we pay for water doesn't reflect how scarce it is with climate change. Could cities get people to use... more

06 Jun 2023 · 31 minutes
Flush With Opportunity

Americans flush toilets with water that's good enough to drink. We could cut how much water cities need if we... more

30 May 2023 · 33 minutes
How big a deal is this week's Colorado River deal? (Bonus episode)

Across the country, headlines this week touted a "deal" to save the Colorado River. In this bonus episode, we'll break... more

23 May 2023 · 12 minutes
Viva Las Vegas

Most people in the West live in cities, and cities can do a lot to change how they use water.... more

16 May 2023 · 34 minutes
Water, Water Everywhere

On the beach in Southern California, it's easy to look at the Pacific Ocean and wonder what would happen if... more

09 May 2023 · 30 minutes
The Boldest Idea Of All

What if we could get more water, instead of just living with less? The idea of pulling water from another... more

02 May 2023 · 26 minutes
Ignored No More

Indigenous tribes lived with the water's flow for thousands of years. Then, they were shut out of decision making about... more

25 Apr 2023 · 34 minutes
A River for the Future