The southwestern United States has been in a drought for more than 20 years. It's created a serious problem for the Colorado... more
Across the U.S.-Mexico border, the Colorado River once flowed freely into the ocean. When the freshwater and saltwater met, it... more
Crops like alfalfa that feed cows are the biggest user of the Colorado River, to satisfy our cravings for nachos... more
If we turned off every tap in every city in the southwest, we still wouldn't solve the Colorado River crisis.... more
What we pay for water doesn't reflect how scarce it is with climate change. Could cities get people to use... more
Americans flush toilets with water that's good enough to drink. We could cut how much water cities need if we... more
Across the country, headlines this week touted a "deal" to save the Colorado River. In this bonus episode, we'll break... more
Most people in the West live in cities, and cities can do a lot to change how they use water.... more
On the beach in Southern California, it's easy to look at the Pacific Ocean and wonder what would happen if... more
What if we could get more water, instead of just living with less? The idea of pulling water from another... more
Indigenous tribes lived with the water's flow for thousands of years. Then, they were shut out of decision making about... more