There are so many things clamoring for our attention and it’s hard to distill which issues are important…or why we should care.... more
To close out Season 1 of Make Me Care About, we talk with the co-chair of The Bill and Melinda... more
The next time you reach for the salt, read the label. More often than not, it is iodized salt you’re... more
You may have never thought about the water you flush down your toilet or wash down your shower drain. Turns... more
Do you know what the deadliest animal is on the planet? From movies and TV shows, you might be thinking... more
These days, there’s an app for everything, including your financial information. But what if you didn’t have access to receive... more
K-12 education is the foundation of a student’s academic career. But one grade sticks out above the rest: ninth grade.... more
Did you know that most of the world is consuming food that's more than 10,000 years old? Well, at least... more
With rising tuition and the changing nature of work, is college worth it? According to the president of Northern Arizona... more
Having friends from diverse economic backgrounds is beneficial for all of us, but it is especially important for kids from... more
Garbanzo BeansMost of us eat garbanzo beans in our hummus or salads. What you might not know is that these... more