The Morgan Housel Podcast -- timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness.
A look at why so many Americans think the best was better than it was: People in the past may... more
The world evolves faster than people's beliefs do. This episode looks at the need to change your mind, and why... more
A few laws from random sciences that almost certainly apply to your own -- regardless of what you do for... more
If you're a student of history, you know that most things have gotten better for most people over time. But... more
A few easy-to-overlook skills that are so vital in today's world. Brought to you my friends at Readwise -- visit... more
This episode digs into one of my favorite books of all time: The Big Change by Frederick Lewis Allen. Written... more
There's a Russian saying that I love: "The past is more unpredictable than the future." It explains so much about... more
A lot of mistakes in life come when you think risk is something caused by external forces, when in fact... more
The ultimate success metric is whether you get what you want out of life. But that’s harder than it sounds... more
Some of the most interesting stuff I've come across lately.
If you're a student of history, you know that most things have gotten better for most people over time. But read the... more