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Blue Sky
Blue Sky
The Optimism Institute

Hosted by Bill Burke, founder of The Optimism Institute, this weekly podcast will feature inspiring leaders, authors, researchers, and big thinkers who... more

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Mary Louise and Bruce Cohen on Supporting Skilled Refugees Through Their NGO, Talent Beyond Boundaries

The husband and wife team of Mary Louise and Bruce Cohen have impressive backgrounds in law and government and for... more

04 Sep 2024 · 42 minutes
Christina Menkemeller on Facing Adversity, Finding Purpose in Suffering, and Lifting the Lives of Others

At a time in her life that should have been one of her happiest – just prior to her wedding... more

28 Aug 2024 · 46 minutes
Pediatrician, Parent Coach and Best-Selling Author Dr. Liz Henry Shares Her Optimistic Approach to Raising Kids and Building Strong Families

Dr. Liz Henry is highly-regarded professional in the fields of pediatrics and parenting and in this Blue Sky conversation, she... more

21 Aug 2024 · 46 minutes
Throwback/Encore Presentation: Kevin Kelly on His Book, 'Excellent Advice for Living' and His Long-Held Belief That, “Over the Long Term, the Future Is Decided by Optimists.”

Note for Encore Presentation:  This episode originally dropped in April of 2023 and in the time since, you’ve no doubt heard... more

15 Aug 2024 · 53 minutes
Author Alexandra Hudson on Her Book, 'The Soul of Civility: Timeless Principles to Heal Society and Ourselves'

Alexandra “Lexi” Hudson was raised by a philosopher father and a mother who is a recognized manners expert.  As a... more

07 Aug 2024 · 43 minutes
Tim Fitzpatrick’s on His Company’s Inspiring Mission to Empower Patients Through Virtual Reality

Tim Fitzpatrick learned about healthcare the hard way, as a long-term inpatient undergoing a battery of surgeries to address injuries... more

31 Jul 2024 · 47 minutes
Raul Espinoza Shares His Inspiring Story, From Surviving a Challenging Childhood to Making a Career of Helping Other Men Do the Same

Raul Espinoza’s father had many talents, but an equal number of demons.  He struggled with addiction and was abusive to... more

24 Jul 2024 · 53 minutes
Throwback/Encore Presentation: Steven Pinker, Author and Johnstone Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University

Note for this encore presentation: While much of our discussion centered on Professor Pinker’s views on how the world continues... more

18 Jul 2024 · 43 minutes
Dr. Hasan Merali Describes the Valuable Lessons We Can All Learn from Toddlers in His Optimistic and Fun New Book, 'Sleep Well, Take Risks, Squish the Peas'

Dr. Hasan Merali came to admire toddlers when he began working with kids in a hospital emergency department.  Seeing their... more

10 Jul 2024 · 48 minutes
Teju Ravilochan Describes His Work Bringing Neighbors Together and Why He Believes That, “In Community, We Have Everything We Need.”

Teju Ravilochan was born in the United States, just two years after his parents came to this country from their... more

03 Jul 2024 · 58 minutes
Throwback/Encore Presentation: Anh Vu Sawyer Describes Her Family’s Remarkable Flight From Saigon in 1975, and the Inspiring, High Impact Work She’s Done Since Coming to America

Note for this encore presentation: We’re bringing back this conversation in honor of Immigrant Heritage Month in the United States. ... more

20 Jun 2024 · 47 minutes
Kate Bean on Embracing Change as the Vehicle for Life’s Journey

Kate Bean’s life has been marked by a series of radical changes and transformations.  After founding and running a successful... more

12 Jun 2024 · 48 minutes
John Daniel on Optimism, Grit, Love, Loss, Survival, and Pickleball

John Daniel has led a remarkable and inspiring life, marked by challenges that he’s met with grit and resilience.  John’s... more

05 Jun 2024 · 53 minutes
Pete Davis on Why He Believes So Much in the Importance of Community and Social Capital That He Made and Entire Film About It

Pete Davis was a young undergraduate college student when he took a class from Professor Robert Putnam.  By this time,... more

29 May 2024 · 51 minutes
Blue Sky Host Bill Burke Joins the “Well…Adjusting” Podcast as a Guest Expert

On the “Well…Adjusting” podcast, author, actor, and funny lady Robin Hopkins is joined each episode by people who are struggling... more

22 May 2024 · 42 minutes
Throwback/Encore Presentation: Dr. Richard Davidson on the Neuroscience of Well-Being and Human Flourishing

Note for this encore presentation: At the time that we celebrated our one year/50th episode in March of 2024, this... more

16 May 2024 · 53 minutes
Billy Starr on How He Channeled His Grief to Create the World’s Most Successful Sports Fundraiser, the Pan-Mass Challenge

Nearly 45 years ago, Billy Starr lost his mother, an uncle, and a cousin, all to cancer.  Looking for a... more

08 May 2024 · 49 minutes
Barrett Takesian Talks About Portland Community Squash and His Passion for Building Social Capital

Squash – the game, not the vegetable – has long been seen as a “country club” sport.  But Barrett Takesian... more

01 May 2024 · 47 minutes
Daniel Stone Discusses the Research Behind His Book, “Undue Hate,” Explains the Roots of Our Political Polarization, and Offers Novel Ideas for How We Can Fix It

Daniel Stone explains that today’s politically-polarized environment began taking shape way back in the 1980’s.  Today, he says, we have... more

24 Apr 2024 · 47 minutes
Throwback/Encore Presentation: Dan Reicher’s Rationally Optimistic Take on Progress and Potential in the Fight Against Climate Change

One of our most popular episodes of 2023 is back, with this encore presentation, just in time for Earth Day!  Dan... more

18 Apr 2024 · 53 minutes
Marko Cheseto Describes His Life; From Kenya to Alaska, and From Tragedy to Triumph

Marko Cheseto left his home in Kenya to travel all the way to, of all places, Anchorage, Alaska, where he... more

10 Apr 2024 · 47 minutes
Nathalie Laidler-Kylander on the Virtues and Value of International Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship

Nathalie Laidler-Kylander has a long and distinguished career working in the non-profit, social entrepreneurship and international development sectors.  Since 2021... more

03 Apr 2024 · 47 minutes
How to Keep Going When Things Get Hard: A Special Blue Sky Presentation of the “Ten Percent Happier” Podcast with Dan Harris, Featuring Bryan Stevenson

This episode is a master class on sticking with it, no matter what. From our friend Dan Harris on the... more

27 Mar 2024 · 1 hour, 8 minutes
Throwback/Encore Presentation: Perseverance Personified: YouthBuild USA President and CEO John Valverde

One of our most popular – and powerful episodes of 2023 is back, with this encore presentation.  In the Blue Sky... more

21 Mar 2024 · 51 minutes
Prolific Author, Teacher, and Coach Gill Hasson on How to Deal With Difficult People, the Pros and Cons of Social Media, and the Challenges Raising Children in Our Digital Age

Gill Hasson has a wide range of interests and areas of study, exemplified by the fact that she has authored... more

13 Mar 2024 · 50 minutes
Bestselling Author and Podcast/TV Host Kelly Corrigan on Why She Believes There Is “A Pretty Big Payoff to Every Hard Moment,” and “There’s No Feeling as Good as Being Useful to Someone.”

For the 50th episode of Blue Sky, Bill is joined by someone who has completed more than 400 of them. ... more

28 Feb 2024 · 56 minutes
Alison Jones Webb on Her Book, “Recovery Allies,” and the Importance of Peers, Friends, and Family in Addiction Recovery

Alison Jones Webb has spent her career studying and working in the public health sector.  Several years ago, a combination... more

21 Feb 2024 · 49 minutes
Throwback/Encore Presentation: “Optimism Is a Superpower,” a Conversation with Life Is Good Co-Founder Bert Jacobs

In this episode, Bert describes how he and his brother grew from a challenging upbringing to create Life is Good,... more

15 Feb 2024 · 50 minutes
TED Leader Chris Anderson on His New Book, Infectious Generosity, and Why He Believes That Now Is the Time for Us All to “Reclaim the Internet” for Good

Chris Anderson was inspired by the growth of TED once they expanded from being simply a conference company to adding... more

07 Feb 2024 · 53 minutes
Dr. Kenneth Harris on Optimism and the Remarkable Power and Positivity Unleashed When We Open Ourselves to the Concept of Synchronicity

Dr. Kenneth (Ken) Harris is an experienced practitioner of holistic medicine and author of the book, Synchronicity.  In this Blue... more

31 Jan 2024 · 40 minutes
Ilze Thielmann on the Inspiring Work of Team TLC, NYC

When Ilze Thielmann learned of the steady stream of refugees and asylum seekers entering New York City, she felt compelled... more

24 Jan 2024 · 50 minutes
Throwback/Encore Presentation: Author Jonathan Conyers on His Memoir, “I Wasn’t Supposed to Be Here,” About the Supportive Village That Filled His Life With Hope and Optimism

The life of Jonathan Conyers is full of junctures where it appears he’s not going to make it.  Both of... more

18 Jan 2024 · 55 minutes
KM DiColandrea Describes His Passion for Education and How Speech and Debate Can Transform Young People’s Lives

KM DiColandrea says he works with young people because he can’t imagine doing anything else.  In high school, he developed... more

10 Jan 2024 · 50 minutes
IGNITE CEO Sara Guillermo Describes How Her Organization Trains and Empowers Young Women to Engage With Their Communities, Campaign, and Run for Office

Sara Guillermo’s family immigrated to the United States when she was a small child.  She grew up with an appreciation... more

03 Jan 2024 · 47 minutes
Anh Vu Sawyer Describes Her Family’s Remarkable Flight From Saigon in 1975, and the Inspiring, High Impact Work She’s Done Since Coming to America

The family of Anh Vu Sawyer were among the small number of South Vietnamese who successfully fled Saigon in the... more

20 Dec 2023 · 45 minutes
Former Microsoft Executive John Wood on Bringing a Growth Mindset to Helping Children and Young Women in the World’s Poorest Countries

In the late 1990’s, John Wood was living a great life.  As a senior executive at Microsoft, his job took him... more

13 Dec 2023 · 51 minutes
Solutions Journalism Network Founder and CEO David Bornstein on Why Reporting on Solutions – Not Just Problems – Will Do Us All a Lot of Good, Including the News Outlets Themselves

David Bornstein has a long history in journalism and founded the Solutions Journalism Network out of his belief that... more

06 Dec 2023 · 51 minutes
New York Times Bestselling Author Matt Ridley on His Motivation to Write 'The Rational Optimist' and Why He Believes That Human Prosperity Will Inevitably Continue to Increase

Matt Ridley’s seminal book, The Rational Optimist, has inspired many since its publication in 2010 and greatly influenced the creation... more

29 Nov 2023 · 49 minutes
Author and Health and Wellness Coach Tracey Gates Explains the Positive Power of Expressing Appreciation

In her new book, The Power of a Few Kind Words, author Tracey Gates tells the story of how she... more

22 Nov 2023 · 46 minutes
Ritah Kabanyoro on the Remarkable Work Being Done to Support Uganda’s Refugee Population

Ritah Kabanyoro knows what it’s like to go to bed hungry.  Growing up in a household of 20 people, she... more

15 Nov 2023 · 47 minutes
Blue Sky
KM DiColandrea Describes His Passion for Education and How Speech and Debate Can Transform Young People’s Lives
Blue Sky

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KM DiColandrea says he works with young people because he can’t imagine doing anything else.  In high school, he developed a love... more