Hosted by Bill Burke, founder of The Optimism Institute, this weekly podcast will feature inspiring leaders, authors, researchers, and big thinkers who... more
Chloe Valdary shares her unique way of thinking about – and training others – in the field of diversity and... more
Bill Burke hosts this first-ever installment of “A Bit of Blue Sky.” In this shorter episode, Bill explains that on... more
This is an encore presentation of the 50th episode of Blue Sky, when Bill was joined by someone who has... more
Don Carpenter has spent the bulk of his career working on youth development. Today he’s executive director of the Rural... more
When Olivia Clarke was first diagnosed with cancer and began treatment, she looked for ways to keep her spirits up... more
November is Gratitude Month at the Optimism Institute and this episode wraps up our celebration while kicking off Thanksgiving weekend. ... more
Kevin Adler grew up with a beloved uncle, Mark, who never forgot to send him a Hallmark card on his... more
In a culture that celebrates competence and achievement, we often label people struggling to get things done as “lazy,” “disorganized,”... more
Melissa Connelly had a rocky start to her high school career, being placed in her school’s truancy program after missing... more
Jamie Metzl is one of the world’s leading authorities on the implications of the intersecting AI, genetics, and biotechnology revolutions... more