Six ordinary women fight for their place in the male-dominated U.S. Army infantry, facing physical and emotional challenges, loss, and the harsh... more
Hey, Queen of Battle listeners, ready for something a little different? Check out the full-cast paranormal comedy, Happy Medium! Follow... more
Narrated by Layla Fatima | music: Sanctuary by Scott Buckley | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC... more
Warning: sexual assault references. Nine months deployed. Lopez gets tested; Rick brings good news; Dower becomes unhinged; Big Sis exacts justice;... more
21 weeks deployed. Dower meets with the Lt for a sitrep on the war; Natsumi and White discuss fears; another... more
Warning: suggestion of sexual assault. 18 weeks deployed (continued). White has a tense conversation with Dower; Big Sis shares a personal... more
18 weeks deployed. Reports tell of further hindrances for the allies; Rick brings gifts for the squad; Natsumi gives a... more
12 weeks deployed. The women have stationed themselves in an old schoolhouse. Questions linger about Alphabet’s passing; Rodriguez, now the... more
Season 1 finale. Week 14, continued. The recruits graduate and are now Infantry soldiers. Lt Adams gives an update about... more
Week 13, continued. Three of the recruits enjoy some liberty at a local bar; Lopez (with a little liquid courage)... more
Week 12 of Infantry training. Night at the machine gun position where Natsumi discusses a recurring dream and Big Sis... more