Award-winning TV presenter and comedian Mark Dolan hosts this highly entertaining self-improvement podcast, featuring practical and innovative tips for a happy, successful... more
On episode 83 of The Mark Dolan Way, the importance of being yourself, holiday shopping, unexpected discounts and a phone battery... more
On episode 82 of The Mark Dolan Way, Mark's holiday experience, figuring out your problems, a great notebook app and... more
On episode 81 of The Mark Dolan Way, why you deserve great sunglasses, face up to your problems, be better... more
On episode 80 of The Mark Dolan Way, when you are tried you should do it anyway, developing empathy for... more
On episode 79 of The Mark Dolan Way, why anger is a low value currency, working for yourself, why ageing... more
On episode 78 of the Mark Dolan Way, a new purchase, a great de-stress hack, act like you’re behind and 18... more
On episode 77 of The Mark Dolan Way, why you should keep meetings short, how a shortcoming can be a... more
On episode 76 of The Mark Dolan Way, the benefit of being a kid again, why you should do it... more
On episode 75 of The Mark Doan Way, dental advice, how to boost your skills, what to do with overly... more
On episode 74 of The Mark Dolan Way, why better is enough, importance of finding your passion and how to... more