Alphabet Boys reveals the secret investigations of the FBI, DEA, ATF, and other alphabet agencies. Hosted by journalist Trevor Aaronson, Alphabet Boys... more
Pulse: The Untold Story is a new Audible podcast from Western Sound. The Pulse nightclub attack in 2016 is among the... more
The ACLU is suing the FBI. Zebb Hall has a recording to share. And I found Mickey Windecker. Lots more... more
Flaviu says he tried to be a good American. He wanted to help the United States. See for privacy information.
After their arrests, Flaviu, Cristian, and Massimo are extradited to New York. Flaviu soon finds that everyone has an agenda.See... more
The arms deal is taking shape. But Flaviu and Cristian need one more person to bring everything together: a flamboyant... more
Flaviu recruits Cristian Vintila, a Romanian government official, to help him facilitate the arms deal for Juan. But Cristian has... more
Juan isn’t who he says is. He’s made millions pretending to be someone he’s not.See for privacy information.
Flaviu is talking to a wide-bellied Colombian named Juan about a deal to sell weapons to the FARC, a paramilitary... more
With Flaviu’s help, the FBI busts an organized crime ring in Las Vegas. But a death threat causes him to... more
Is Flaviu a trusted source for the U.S. government? In 2001, while living in Las Vegas, Flaviu became a longtime... more