Calling all you conscious and caring service providers who want to increase your income, show up more consistently, and share messages that... more
You know that adage (and book and whole philosophy), “Don’t sweat the small stuff?” I get it, but I’m here... more
”Sales” feels icky or scary or just plain hard for so many of us. (Especially us introverts, multi-passionates, and deep... more
It’s the top of another year and we’re “supposed” to review, reflect, plan. But let’s unpack that idea a bit... more
I’m so excited to chat with a panel of pricing and money experts—Frenchie Ferenczi, Melissa Mittelstaedt, and Bri Seeley—who bring... more
After nearly 6 years of being launch-averse, I finally have some insights into what made my recent Peer Pods (values-aligned... more
I’m so excited to chat with Email Marketing Coach, Amy Kuphal of The Inbox Entrepreneur. She shared lots of email... more
Here’s a peek into my tech stack from (and potentially for) a non-techie business owner. I cover what I use... more
In this re-purposed IG Live with an extended up-to-date intro, Copywriter Robyn LeRoy-Evans and I are talking about building a... more
I’m so excited to chat with CPA, Certified Tax Coach, and Tax Strategist Kimberly Tara of The Tara CPA Firm. Tara... more
Even as someone who *hated* group work growing up, I’ve come to not only appreciate, but actively seek out and... more
I’m so excited to chat with Creative Business Coach & Speaker Taryn Jerez of Go For It, Creative. We talk a... more
This is a really special and experimental episode because it’s Q&A style! I’ve been saving up real questions I’ve received... more
I’m so excited to chat with Barella Roberson, Chief Alchemist and CEO of BLK Alchemy. Barella’s vibrant personality, her focus on... more
It’s a dedicated brand messaging strategy episode! I’ve found brand messaging, or really any skill and speciality, to be a... more
I’m so excited to chat with Content Strategist and Pinterest Expert Isabel Talens in this bonus episode. Pinterest is the great... more
I’m so excited to chat with Content Strategist & Writer Cyndi Zaweski of Ascent StoryCraft. Sometimes when we get connected... more
Practice makes progress, so take the time to reflect on how your values-aligned decisions, actions, projects, and communities make a... more
I’m so excited to chat with Podcast Manager & Founder Rosa Sarmento of Ideablossoms. She and I are big fans... more
Today we’re exploring (and finding solutions to) the question: Why is it so hard to talk about ourselves and our... more
I’m so excited to chat with this week’s guest Lauren Lee Crane, CEO and Co-Founder of Semaine Health. She is... more
Like everyone else, my business contracts and expands with my capacity, which is such a gift, but also a huge... more
I’m so excited to chat with Bola Sokunbi, 4-time bestselling author and Founder & CEO of Clever Girl Finance. Bola... more
Today, we’re focusing on one of the central themes of my business, this podcast, and my approach to messaging and... more
I’m so excited to chat with Jordan Gill, Founder of Systems Saved Me®. She’s someone who really knows how to... more
As a founder or a brand, your mission and methodology—and especially your story—are the factors that jump off the page. Whether... more
I’m so excited to chat with Mai-kee Tsang, Sustainable Visibility® Mentor & Podcast Guesting Strategist. She’s an expert on pitching... more
This is a super special episode because it’s our 1 year podcasting anniversary! And at this 1-year milestone, I’m reimagining... more
I’m so excited to chat with Angela Ellison, the Systems Strategist behind Angela Ellison Creative. She has such a gentle,... more
I’m so excited to chat with Copywriter Samantha Burmeister of Nomad Copy Agency. She’s a no-nonsense entrepreneur who understands her... more
I’m so excited to chat with Nathalie Amlani, Personal Brand Photographer and Strategist of Pictonat Photography. She’s a proud mama... more
I’m so excited to chat with Cate Scott Campbell, Founder & Chief Expression Officer of Ecstatic Voice. Our conversation is... more
Whether it’s the tiny milestones or the monumental, life-and-business-changing shifts, I hope you make the time to publicly and privately... more
I’m so excited to chat with Jenn Rivera, Founder & CEO of Ascender Consulting. She’s a no-nonsense, super relational business... more
I’m so excited to chat with Katie McManus, Business Strategist and Money Mindset Coach. She works specifically with ADHD business... more
I’m excited to chat with Emily McDonald & Ankita Terrell, business coaches and co-founders of My Founder Circle. They are... more
While the world is a noisy place, so is our own brain. That’s why getting outside perspective is so powerful.... more
I’m so excited to chat with Lauren Tilden, Small Business Marketing Coach of Making Good. You can tell from the... more
I’m so excited to chat with Madison Clark, Founder of Grief Cards. She is vulnerable and resilient and laser focused... more
I’m so excited to chat with Erika Rodriguez, Founder & CEO of Nadi Marketing. Beyond being long-time internet friends, we... more
In today’s solo episode, we’re talking all things momentum. Why? Because I’ve found it to be one of the most... more
I’m so excited to chat with Speaking Coach Jessica Rasdall of Speak To Scale. She’s a self-proclaimed open book who has... more
I’m so excited to chat with Business and Marketing Strategist, Tara Reid of Tara Reid Marketing. This conversation covered everything from... more
I’m so excited to chat with Accessibility Consultant Katie Lewis of Access Reimagined. She has this seemingly winding path of... more
I’m so excited to chat with Serial Side Hustler & Founder of, Sharee Collier. Sharee lived & traveled in an... more
What do you want to be known for? This is the essential question of building a business you’re proud of. One... more
I’m so excited to chat with Email Marketer (and 90s pop culture fan) Liz Wilcox. Liz unapologetically acts in honor... more
I’m so excited to chat with Alia Khatib, Business & Marketing Consultant of Alia Khatib Consultancy. For the full show notes,... more
I’m excited to chat with Podcast Coach and Strategist, Andria Singletary of Mama Turned Mompreneur. This episode is extra special... more
In this solo episode, I’m connecting the dots between the seemingly unlikely combo of values-aligned brand messaging and systems—from delivering... more
I’m so excited to chat with Systems Strategist Devin Lee. She brings energy and enthusiasm to everything she does, including... more
I’m excited to chat with Podcast Coach and Strategist, Andria Singletary of Mama Turned Mompreneur. This episode is extra special because she’s... more