Hosted by The Innocence Center’s Executive Director Michael Semanchik, For the Innocent features heartbreaking first-person accounts of exonerees like NFL football player... more
At the moment of conviction, the incentive to safeguard evidence diminishes in the eyes of the Criminal Justice System. That’s... more
Luis Vargas was wrongfully convicted after three separate witnesses misidentified him as the “Teardrop Rapist.” Sixteen years later, DNA linked... more
In the first 325 DNA exonerations, false identification accounted for 72% of the wrongful convictions. But how is that possible?... more
Guy Miles was wrongfully convicted after being misidentified by an eyewitness during a robbery investigation in Orange County, California. Although... more
Imagine being in prison for decades. You’ve been fighting your appeal for many years. Your lawyer believes you’ll get a... more
On November 20th 1999, Angela Garcia’s home caught on fire. Surprised and crawling in the dark, she was not able... more
Believe it or not, there are many reasons to plead guilty when you’re not. ----- Plea deals are necessary to fight crime.... more
Marilyn Mulero was wrongfully suspected of a Chicago gang murder in 1992. Naive to the criminal justice system, she was frightened... more
When forensic evidence gets it wrong, how do we free the innocent? ----- In our history of criminal prosecutions, some types of... more
In the 1980s and 1990s, Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) was a popular medical theory used to arrest and convict innocent... more