Speaks Volumes sits down with the remarkable individuals who make a unique contribution to the music industry. Hosted by professional music fan... more
Follow Julia Wang https://www.instagram.com/juliawngg/ Follow Derrick Gee TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@gee_derrick Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gee_derrick/ Newsletter: https://derrickgee.substack.com/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/derrickgee?si=a604e4b34a1d4255 Watch the video podcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLArYIy4cER9tNSFhTWsAJVE21EJmFkOF4
When creative constraints spark music's most iconic moments. In “Willo Perron Speaks Volumes,” Derrick gets a peek into how the designer... more
What happens when a fashion brand is authentically inspired by music culture? In "Nicholas Daley Speaks Volumes," Derrick discovers how the... more
Kissa is so much more than just playing records in a cafe or bar. In "Nick Dwyer Speaks Volumes," Derrick dives... more
Why instrumental piano is not classical music. In "Alexandra Stréliski Speaks Volumes," Derrick learns from the pianist and composer what it's... more
Algorithms = Music discovery made easy? Or lazy consumption? In “Kyle Chayka Speaks Volumes,” Derrick confronts the relevance of taste and... more
On Harry Styles' empathy and heart. In “Molly Hawkins Speaks Volumes,” the creative director behind Harry Styles, and formerly FKA Twigs... more
Machinedrum is more important to the current state of popular music than people realise... In “Machinedrum Speaks Volumes,” Derrick learns... more
What does DJ and club culture look like when it straddles the internet and real life? In “Book Club Radio... more
What is British pop, and why is Griff's take on it so refreshing? In “Griff Speaks Volumes,” Derrick Gee explores pop... more