Welcome to the Daily Santa Podcast - your countdown to Christmas Podcast just for kids (and some adults too!) Join Selfie, Santa's Social Media Elf and Twinkle the Voice Over Guy as they count down to Christmas in this daily podcast! Get news about the North Pole, Santa answers your questions, Selfie takes you behind the scenes of Santa's countdown preparations, and Santa offers his daily suggestion on how YOU can stay on his Nice List! Join us Daily starting December 1st Visit DailySantaPodcast.com for more fun activities - see you December 1st! Santa, Selfie and Twinkle!
DAY TWENTY FIVE - Say Thank You, Ideas on What to do on your holidays, A Christmas Quiz and more
We have some great ideas of things to do as a family over the holidays!
and we focus on the word "thank you"
Thank you for being here with us for all 25 days of the Daily Santa Podcast! Stay tuned for more future updates at https://dailysantapodcast.com/
Today's topic is about saying thank you
If you received a gift, love or anything s...
DAY TWENTY FOUR - It's Christmas Eve, Time to Celebrate You, Santa News and more!
Here we are on Day 24 of the Daily Santa Podcast
For the past 23 days we have put out a challenge - for you to do something that will add your name to Santa’s nice list,
We have even talked about what happens if you make a mistake - we all make mistakes! Yes, even Santa makes mistakes.
If you have tried even one of the 23 suggestions we offered here...
DAY TWENTY THREE - Keep Trying, Never Give Up, Reindeer Facts, An Interesting Voice Message and more
Welcome back to the Daily Santa Podcast!
We are getting close to the end of our 25 daily podcast run! Are you excited?
We are talking about never fiving up - keep trying! Santa knows how hard you try, and we want to encourage everyone to do their best and never give up!
We have an interesting voice message on this ep...
DAY TWENTY TWO - Making Mistakes, Selfie on the street, famous mistakes, Santa's Nice List and more
Mistakes are not fun
So, how can we help kids embrace mistakes?
Mistakes can teach you so much,
We can improve or what we shouldn’t do again.
Life is full of mistakes and learning from them
When we were learning to walk, we fell down many times.
It took time, but now we don’t even think of it now
Mistakes happen every day, to everyone!
So wha...
DAY TWENTY ONE - Be Friendly, Happy Kwanzaa, A Special Press Conference, and more
Welcome back to Day 21 - we are happy to have you back again!
Big news announcement today on the show, we talk about the special Kwanzaa Celebrations and we look at being a friend to others
Welcome to the Daily Santa Podcast - this is Day 21
This is the podcast where together, we countdown to Christmas one episode at a time
For the latest on the show...
DAY TWENTY - Give First, Happy Hanukkah, Merry GIVE-mas, Santa news and more
Welcome to the podcast! We are on Day 20 - this is going by really fast!
Our topic today covers Giving to Others
Today we look at giving to others being a giving person is very special
Christmas can be a time of great excitement and mystery
We can't wait to see the gifts piled around the tree
We enjoy giving and receiving gifts
but what if there was a gift ...
DAY NINETEEN - Be Helpful, Selfie shares a Santa Secret, Listener messages, News and more
Selfie shares the secret to how Santa's sleigh is powered! We get some listener messages today, Big news out of the North Pole and Santa is caught napping!
We learn about being helpful today
are you a helpful person?
Do you help others? Helping provides them the opportunity to grow up to be a better person.
when we help others we b...
DAY EIGHTEEN - Forgive Others, A Post Turtle, Selfie's Story , North Pole news and more
Welcome back to Day 18! Today we look at forgiveness - why it is important for all of us to forgive others!
Selfie shares a story about a carrot and a lie
We find out what a Post Turtle is and we look at our topic of forgiveness by talking about...
10 Ways to to Forgive others
1. Forgiveness with no conditions
forgive regardless of the other per...
DAY SEVENTEEN - Show Love, Selfie Talks about his family, Twinkle takes us for a walk, news and more
Feel the love in this episode! We love creating this podcast just for you!
We wanted to show you that showing love can impact others around you and make you a nicer person
We share Five Ways to Express Love
Gifts - Some people express and feel love through gift-giving. Giving flowers, clothes, a favorite treat, or...
DAY SIXTEEN - Be Grateful, Listener letter, voice message, special request and more Elf Alexa Fun
Here on day 16, we are looking at being grateful
Being grateful is a skill.
Being grateful is a positive way of looking at life.
Being grateful can increase our happiness
Let's be more thankful for everything that they have.
here are 10 Ideas on how you can be grateful
1. Say please and thank you.
using our manners shows that we value oth...
DAY FIFTEEN - Self Image - Christmas Traditions, A Special Call, News, and more
If you are going to be nice to others you need to be nice to yourself!
Who do you see when you look in the mirror?
Today is all about liking the person you see in the mirror we have special homework for you to do here on Day 15!
Are you up for the challenge?
Here is more about our topic...
DAY FOURTEEN - Be Creative, Meet the Elf DJ, Santa Question and Message, Selfie Loves Elf Tube
We share our podcast studio with the morning drive DJ - he drops by during our podcast to see what we are up to! Selfie tries "Elf Tube" - did you know there are tiny elf cats? Apparently there are - we didn't believe it either!
We answer more Santa Questions on today's episode
We also look at being creative
6 Ways to becom...
DAY THIRTEEN - Be Positive, Selfie's New Toy, Santa News and Facts
Selfie plays with his new Elf-Alexa, we look at how we can be more positive, check out our Christmas Song Choices this year and much more!
Here are four ways that we can be more positive:
DAY TWELVE - Be Truthful, Some of Our Christmas Stories, Selfie Stick, Santa Facts and News and more
Welcome to Day 12! We are now a dozen! Yes!!
Today we are looking at why being truthful is important, someone gets caught not telling the truth in this podcast - keep your ears open to see who it will be?
Any guesses?
Selfie creates a brand new, never before seen tool that he can use with his new Elf Phone 14 - he is pretty pr...
DAY ELEVEN - Show Appreciation, Listener Voice Mail, Santa News, Selfie Tries the Elf Version of Tik Tok
We are talking today about showing appreciation!
Check out all the fun!
See you tomorrow!
We would love to hear form you!!
DAY TEN - Be Patient and Wait Your Turn, Santa's Doctor Visits, News and Fun Podcast Suggestions
Welcome to Day Ten everyone! We hope this has been elftastic fun for you so far!
Candy Cane Cookies have arrived, or have they gone missing? We are going to talk about patience, but you will have to wait for it!
Doctor Wait, Santa's family Doctor drops in with some great advice for us at this busy time of the year!
Patience is a...
DAY NINE - Community Matters, North Pole News, Santa Facts, Reindeer Update, Upcoming Selfie's New Movie Remake
Thanks for joining us for Day Nine!
Today we talked about 5 ways that we can be a better community member!
Here is a project for you to do as a family.
One - Do some research with your family and discover one thing that you did not know about the place the community that you live in - just one thing!
How old is...
DAY EIGHT - Kindness as a Super Power, Messages for Santa, News, Selfie's Comedy Corner
Welcome back to the Daily Santa Podcast!
We are so pleased to have you join us for episode eight! In this episode we hear from some listeners, Santa answers a very important question, Selfie shares a bit of his latest Standup Comedy routine,
We share some laughs and talk about how kindness can be a...
DAY SEVEN - More About Good Manners, Santa's Nice List, Rudolph Visits, Selfie Gets a New Elf Phone 14
Having good manners is something easy that we can do, but sometimes, good manners are also easy to forget! Santa challenges us to show good manners, something he is watching for, here on day seven of the Daily Santa Podcast!
We have a guest visitor, Rudolph joins us in the studio, Santa is working from home due to a huge s...
DAY SIX - Don't Make Others Feel Small, Santa shares Secrets About His Sleigh, New Streaming Service Elf Flix
Today we talk about
- walking in someone else's shoes,
- how to make others feel better about themselves,
- we share a secret about Santa's Sleigh
- Santa answers some messages from listeners
- The Santa Daily News,
- and a new streaming service, just for elves called - Elf Flix
Ok ever...
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