The Raising Godly Boys Minute is a daily 60-second broadcast designed to help you learn to raise boys to become godly men.... more
How about creating a regular meeting time with your son? For years, every weekday morning, Pastor John Tyson and his... more
Ever wonder if your discipline and teaching is really resonating with your son? Mandy, the mom of a defiant 2-year-old,... more
Your son can learn from your inconveniences. Jack and his son were driving to football practice when they got a... more
You don’t have to get it perfect. But you do have to get it right. Raising a son can be... more
Are you raising a “man–ager”? Pastor Jon Tyson coined this phrase, which describes a man who is physically an adult... more
“What if you could be a better husband, father, and man without the use of your legs or hands?”That was... more
Why are young boys seemingly always dirty? As a father who has had young boys, it’s nearly impossible to... more
What is a father’s most important role? Is it providing? Is it Protecting, or teaching? I believe the most important... more
Why are boys so wild and crazy?If you’re a mom of boys but you never grew up with boys you... more
When the national anthem is sung or the pledge of allegiance recited, does your son stand and salute the flag?... more