If you could plan your perfect death, what would you do? Join Kathy Burke as she chats to the likes of Dawn French,... more
A slow suffocation, lamb guts, and fistfuls of ashes. One small step for THIS man, one giant leap for mankind... Joining Kathy... more
His flambouyant side, Martin Bashir and a last Strictly dance. Oh for God sake... Joining Kathy this week is Channel 4 News... more
Prince's house, branzino and a lingering scent. She lived, she laughed, she ate. It's our 100th episode! And to cleberate Kathy is... more
A coffee c**t, a pipe and some bouncers incase it all kicks off. He probably didn't answer your email, sorry. This week... more
A pizza led conga line, an omelette station, and spray tans at the funeral service. Tidy Your Room! This week Kathy is... more
HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE! 2025 is upon us all, and what better way to close the year than Vicky McClure's... more
Happy Christmas eve deathlings! Kathy is still feeling a bit Bah Humbug about the festive season. So, we've got the... more
Christmas is upon us, and while Kathy's off decking the halls of hell and roasting nicely in the eternal flames,... more
Haggis Bon Bons, Take That, and forced enjoyment. What will survive of us is love... Fufilling her fantasy fate this week, is... more
Abused bowels, backdoors and grandma turning off her hearing aid. I'd like a warm hand on my exit. Taking a... more