As a child, Alex Kurzem faced a choice: be killed or join the killers.In the midst of the Second World War, he... more
On Drugs looks through the lenses of history, pop culture and personal experience to understand how drugs have shaped our... more
“Isn’t this the a-hole who killed Paul McKinnon? Shut up and die!” A distracting obsession. An unexpected letter. And a... more
“Were you waiting for me to just say goodbye?” Alex and his grief counsellor, Yvonne, dive into one memory of... more
Alex worshipped his older brother, Paul. But when Paul was killed by a speeding police car at age 14, Alex... more
A funeral. A strange smell. A story that just doesn’t add up. In the days after Paul’s death, grief consumes... more
How do you forget your favourite person in the world? Alex remembers everything about the day a speeding police car... more
Graham faces his fears and travels to Vancouver to learn how to surf from blind screenwriter Ryan Knighton.Special thanks to... more
After an unsuccessful eye surgery, Graham feels estranged from his camera. Blind photojournalist Samantha Hurley offers a different perspective before... more
Graham talks to blind artist Devon Healey, who makes dance shows for people who don’t see and explores the world... more
Because there are no visual identifiers for Graham’s condition, people don’t think he’s losing his sight. They think he’s an... more