Comedy panel game about weird questions with wonderful answers. Each week, Tom Scott is joined by three guests to ask each other... more
Bec Hill, Stuart Goldsmith and Lizzy Skrzypiec face questions about suspicious surgeons, holey headwear and carbonized creatures. Recorded at the... more
Ólafur Waage, Kip Heath and Carson Woody face questions about stressful starters, successful speculation and sequential scores. BOOK OUT NOW!: LATERAL... more
Tom Crawford, Katelyn Heling and Evan Heling face questions about hockey hat tricks, glass gaffes and security SIMs. BOOK OUT NOW!:... more
Abby Cox, Matt Gray and Iszi Lawrence face questions about mendacious mugs, biblical blurting and nifty notes. BOOK OUT NOW!: LATERAL... more
Karen Kavett, Francis Heaney and Sam Meeps face questions about audacious accessories, cunning cricketers and digital designs. BOOK OUT NOW!: LATERAL... more
Ella Hubber, Caroline Roper and Tom Lum from 'Let's Learn Everything!' face questions about concealed clocks, unique units and sneaky... more
Julian O’Shea, Bill Sunderland and Dani Siller face questions about astronautical activities, appliance actions and Allen's abilities. PRE-ORDER THE BOOK: LATERAL... more
Sophie Ward, Julian Huguet and Tina Huang face questions about moving monuments, passed-over paintings and easy exams. PRE-ORDER THE BOOK: LATERAL... more
Lucy Rogers, Molly Edwards and Trace Dominguez face questions about religious roads, secret services and transport thingamyjigs. PRE-ORDER THE BOOK: LATERAL... more
Dan Schreiber, James Harkin, Anna Ptaszynski and Andrew Hunter Murray from 'No Such Thing as a Fish' face questions about... more